1. O matchless one whom attributes fail to describe
You have a face that gives life and death with a glance
١. يا بَديعاً لا تَحتويهِ النعوتُ
لك وجهٌ تحيي به وَتُميتُ
2. If one day the Almighty were to see you
He would be confounded by your beauty
٢. لو رآكَ القَضيبُ تخطرُ يَوماً
ظلَّ من حسنِ ما يرى مبهوتُ
3. Or if you lived in Heaven enjoying its bounty
The Celestial Realm would be illuminated by your beauty
٣. أو سكنتَ الجنانَ ترتعُ فيها
لأضا من جمالِكَ الملكوتُ
4. You are my strength, so no harm can come to you
For he who finds strength in you, also finds it in you
٤. أنت قُوتي فَما يضرُّك لو كا
نَ لِمن أنتَ قُوتُهُ منكَ قُوتُ