
O you who deprive my eyes of sleep

أيها المسهر طرفي

1. O you who deprive my eyes of sleep
Sleep soundly, sleep soundly

١. أيُّها المُسهِرُ طَرفي
نَم هَنيئاً نم هنيَّا

2. What harm would it do if you were
True to your words and faithful to me

٢. ما الذي ضَرّكَ لو كُن
تَ بما قلتَ وفِيَّا

3. Oh you who tire me with your sighs
And tire me with your beauty

٣. يا مَلياً بالذي أه
واهُ بالحُسنِ مَليَّا

4. Have mercy on a poor man who, were it not
For your eyes' magic, would be rich

٤. صِل فَقيراً كان لولا
سِحرُ عينيكَ غنيَّا