1. If there was a human who did not allure people
And who did not outshine the sun and moon in radiance
١. لو كانَ من بشَرٍ لم يفتنِ البَشرا
ولم يفُق في الضياءِ الشمس والقَمرا
2. An embodied and manifested light
If people's eyes saw him they would be disturbed
٢. نورٌ تجسَّم منحلا ومنعقدا
لو أدركته عُيونُ الناسِ لانكدَرا
3. Veiled, he did not disturb the water of his oasis
A glance, no staring eye cheapened him
٣. محجبٌ لم يُكدِّر ماءَ وجنتهِ
لحظٌ ولا ابتذلتهُ مقلةٌ نظرا
4. If the eyes of delusion threw at him their weakest
They would leave a mark on his cheek, so delicate
٤. لو أعينُ الوهمِ ترميهِ بأضعفِها
أثَّرنَ في خدهِ من رقةٍ أثَرا