
He knows the length of night, who did not sleep

يعرف طول الليل من لم ينم

1. He knows the length of night, who did not sleep
Who sheds his tears and weeps blood

١. يَعرِفُ طولَ اللَّيلِ من لم يَنَم
من يُنفِدُ الدَّمعَ ويبكي بدَم

2. Nothing remains in his clothes except passion
In a worn out body, long in illness

٢. لم يبقَ في ثوبيهِ إلا هوىً
في بدنٍ بالٍ طويلِ السَّقم

3. He has a lover, who sought justice
But arrogance did not leave him, until he oppressed

٣. لهُ حبيبٌ رامَ إنصافَهُ
فلم يَدَعهُ الكِبرُ حتَّى ظلَم

4. He struggled to hide what was inside him
But his tears revealed what he concealed

٤. وكانَ يُخفي ما بهِ جاهداً
فأظهرت عبرتهُ ما كَتَم