1. Had he seen me stay up nightlong for him
And for him flowed pearls of tears in streams
١. لو أنَّ طرفي يراهُ ما سهرا
ولا جرى منه دمعهُ دُررا
2. The heart would not have hoped of solace
Nor would Solace have wished their decree
٢. لا أمل القلبُ عندَ سلوتهِ
ولا أرادَ السلوَّ ما قدرا
3. I complain to God of his beauty
More than the moon resembles his features
٣. أشكو إلى اللَه من محاسنهِ
أكثرَ مما أن يشبهَ القمرا
4. Had his tenderness and his gentility
Been inside his heart, no aversion, no leaving
٤. لو أنَّ من لينهِ ورقتهِ
بقلبهِ ما جفا ولا هجرا