
With a tender glance from those eyes,

باخل لا لإلفه

1. With a tender glance from those eyes,
And a gentle incline from that cheek,

١. باخلٌ لا لإلفهِ
وضنينٌ بعطفهِ

2. He who has ruled all hearts,
Gave himself up to a mere glance,

٢. والذي مُلكَ القلو
بَ فدانَت لطرفهِ

3. He to whom all bow below the waist,
Bowed to one above the waist,

٣. والذي دونَ نصفهِ
دانَ ما فوقَ نِصفهِ

4. Join a longing lover,
Who sought affection, yet was refused.

٤. صِل كئيباً متيماً
رامَ وِداً فأصفهِ