
Even if the Caliph gives you

هبك الخليفة حين يركب

1. Even if the Caliph gives you
His procession and army when he rides,

١. هَبكَ الخليفةَ حينَ يَر
كَبُ في مواكِبهِ وجندِه

2. Or even if you were his minister,
Or even if you were his heir apparent,

٢. أو هَبكَ كنتَ وزيرَهُ
أو هَبكَ كنتَ وليَّ عهدِه

3. Could you increase what is apportioned
To the afflicted beyond his allotment?

٣. هل كنتَ تقدرُ أن تَزي
دَ المُبتلى بكَ فوقَ جُهدِه