1. My eyes have seen two sights from him as they've seen
From the radiant sun and moon lighting up the earth
١. رأت مِنه عَيني منظرينِ كما رأت
مِن الشَّمسِ وَالبدرِ المُنيرِ عَلى الأَرضِ
2. In the evening he brought me roses that seemed
Like cheeks pressed together against each other
٢. عشيةَ حياني بِوَردٍ كأنَّهُ
خدودٌ أضيفَت بعضهنَّ إلى بعضِ
3. And he competed with me over a cup that appeared
Like my tears when sleepiness closed my eyelids
٣. ونازَعني كأساً كأنَّ رُضابها
دُموعي لما صدَّ عَني مُقلتي غُمضي
4. Then he left while the effect of intoxication in his movements
Was like the wind's effect on a delicate branch
٤. وَولَّى وفعلُ السكرِ في حركاتهِ
من الراحِ فعلُ الريحِ بالغصُنِ الغَضِّ