1. And eyes whose tears and sleep have tired,
Their sleep is seen in which eyes that weep?
١. وعينٍ قذاها الدمعُ والنومُ دمعُها
ترى نومها في أيٍّ عينٍ بها يجري
2. How it wept with longing and crying's force,
Upon itself, the self, the heart and breast.
٢. خبَت ما خنَت من شدةِ الشوقِ والبُكا
على نفسِها والنفسِ والقلب والصدرِ
3. It wept with sadness, then its lids flowed blood,
Obeying ardour, sleep, and patience's behest.
٣. بكت عبرةً ثم امترت جَفنها دماً
جرى طاعةً للوجدِ والنومِ والصبرِ
4. I blame your eyes for all the wrong they wrought
Upon themselves while I live through the ages.
٤. عدمتُكِ عيناً طال عتبي بما جَنَت
على نفسِها ما دُمتُ حياً على الدهرِ