
The stranger lamented the absence for eternity

ظعن الغريب لغيبة الأبد

1. The stranger lamented the absence for eternity
Alive with fear, far from home

١. ظَعَنَ الغريبُ لغيبةِ الأبدِ
حيَّ المخافةِ نائيَ البَلَد

2. Perplexed, with solace and shade both denied
A day threatened him with the evil of tomorrow

٢. حَيران يُؤنسُهُ ويكلؤُهُ
يومٌ توعَّدَهُ بشَرِّ غدِ

3. The raven swooped, boding ill
As misfortunes awoke to assail someone

٣. سَنَح الغُرابُ له بأنكرِ ما
تَغدو النُّحوسُ بهِ على أحدِ

4. And bought his own ill omen with his right hand
Seriousness and difficulty walked with him hand in hand

٤. وابتاعَ أشأمَهُ بأيمنهِ
الجَدُّ العثورُ له يداً بِيدِ

5. Until he rested in a fatal land
Where he was neither born nor fathered children

٥. حتَّى ينيخَ بأرض مهلَكةٍ
في حيثُ لم يُولَد ولم يَلدِ

6. His wife mourned him, her sighs and laments unceasing
Time's events fell heavy upon her

٦. جَزعت حليلتُهُ عليهِ فما
تخلو من الزفراتِ والكَمَدِ

7. Destroying her, leaving orphans to her children
The days seized him, then recoiled

٧. نَزلَ الزَّمانُ بها فأهلكَها
منهُ وأهدى اليُتمَ للولدِ

8. Leaving him with neither shelter nor means
So that after he faded they left

٨. ظَفِرَت بهِ الأيَّامُ فانحَسَرت
عنهُ بفاقرةٍ ولم تَكدِ

9. As much of him as they leave of a worn-out garment

٩. فتركنَ منهُ بعدِ طيتهِ
مثل الذي أبقين من لُبَدِ