
Separation attacked a rational lover,

هجم الفراق على محب عاقل

1. Separation attacked a rational lover,
So its fighter struck him with a fatal arrow.

١. هجمَ الفراقُ على محبٍّ عاقلِ
فرمَى مقاتلَهُ بسهمٍ قاتلِ

2. And healed the blamer and his envious ones with what
Remained from him no envious or blaming person.

٢. وشَفى العذولَ وحاسديهِ بالذي
ما زالَ منهُ بحاسدٍ أو عاذلِ

3. Separation befell the one who blames love,
The blame of the gloomy, distracted mourner.

٣. حلَّ الفراقُ بمن يلومُ على الهَوى
لومَ الكئيبِ المستهامِ الناحِلِ

4. Separation descended upon him, so his soul parted,
And his sigh answered with a pouring tear.

٤. نزلَ الفِراقُ بهِ ففارقَ روحَهُ
وأجابَ زفرتَهُ بدمعٍ هاملِ