1. The ignorant fool is not like one endowed with merit
Nor is the coward in war like one who fights
١. ليس البليد الجاهل
كمن له فضائلُ
2. If you weigh Muhammad on the scales
He is virtuous
٢. ولا الذي يجبن في ال
حرب كمن يقاتل
3. Today my Lord has shown
Justice and my Lord is just
٣. إن تزِنوا محمدا
بالطود فهو فاضل
4. Today a quarter of glory
Has come to pass and He is capable
٤. اليوم ربي أظهر ال
عدل وربي عادل
5. Today for the full moon
The positions are pleasing
٥. اليوم ربع المجد قد
أصبح وهو آهل
6. He went forth and attained what
Would disappoint the hopeful
٦. اليوم للبدر المني
رِ طابت المنازل
7. Not everyone who walked with intent upon the path reached the goal
He attained a rank which has no equal
٧. سار فأدرك الذي
يَخِيبُ عنه الآمل
8. He attained it yet no one attained
What he attained through effort
٨. ما كل من سار على
قصدِ الطريق واصل
9. And he had no means save
His right and tools
٩. من رتبة قد حازها
ليس لها معادل
10. None can reach him though
He be opposed by opposition
١٠. قد حازها ولم يحز
ما حازه محاول
11. So between him and those who
Opposed him are stages
١١. ولم يكن له سوى اس
تحقاقه وسائل
12. He has marks of courage about him
Evidenced by his deeds
١٢. لا يدركنّه وإن
طاوله مطاول
13. Matters have been raised above the
Iraqis through him
١٣. فبينه وبين من
طاوله مراحل
14. Matters that make fingers
Yellow from their intensity
١٤. شهم له عليه من
فعاله دلائل
15. Problems were solved through
His grace from their entanglement
١٥. ارتفعت عن العرا
قين به نوازل
16. Were it not for him knotty
Problems would not be solved
١٦. نوازلٌ تَصفرُّ من
شدتها الأنامل
17. He came with what the ancients
Had failed to accomplish the like of
١٧. فُحُلَّ من مشكلها
بفضله مسائل
18. The traits about him are beautiful
To behold
١٨. لولاه ما حلَّت من ال
مسائل المشاكل
19. If he descends upon a land then
Injustice departs from it
١٩. أتى بما قد عجزت
عن مثله الأوائل
20. So it has no mischief
Nor tribulations in it
٢٠. قد حسنت في العين من
جنابه الشمائل
21. As truth, so if he comes
Falsehood perishes from him
٢١. إن حل في أرض فإنّ
الجور عنها زائل
22. Justice then safety
And injustice then delay
٢٢. فما بها مشاغب
ولا بها غوائل
23. Through him justice and injustice
Have pitched camp and departed
٢٣. كالحق فهو إن أتى
يزهق منه الباطل
24. The tribes dread his might
And hope for his generosity
٢٤. العدل ثمّ آمن
والظلم ثَمَّ واجل
25. About a rank he attained
Ask me questions
٢٥. العدل والظلم به
مخيم وراحل
26. So I said in answering him
And the reciter eloquently spoke
٢٦. تخاف بأسه وتر
جو جوده القبائل
27. Oh hearts be at peace
A virtuous group is loved
٢٧. عن رتبة قد نالها
ساءلني مسائل
٢٨. فقلت في جوابه
وقد يجيد القائل
٢٩. إلى القلوب أرِّخن
أهوى فريق فاضل