
The water that poetry embodied rose like fading ruins,

الما بشعر قام كالطلل البالي

1. The water that poetry embodied rose like fading ruins,
Representing the souls of people in empty times,

١. الما بشعر قام كالطلل البالي
يمثل نفس القوم في الزمن الخالي

2. And the joys of people after decline and blessing,
Upon them time settled harshly altogether,

٢. وافراح ناس بعد خفض ونعمة
عليهم اناخ الدهر يقسو بكلكال

3. And the misery of generations who walked in their lives,
As they received it on the path of generations,

٣. وشقوة اجيال مشوا في حياتهم
كما قد تلقوه على نهج اجيال

4. For poetry is nothing but what represents its people,
Transporting from a past people to the present,

٤. وما الشعر الا ما يمثل اهله
فينقل من ماض اناسا الى الحال

5. And not all poetry I have heard is good,
Nor is all water I have come across chained,

٥. وما كل شعر قد سمعت بجيد
ولا كل ماء قد وردت بسلسال

6. If the youth's poetry is not from his feelings,
Then it is neither acceptable nor regarded,

٦. اذا لم يكن شعر الفتى من شعوره
فما هو مقبول ولا هو ذو بال

7. And if his words fall short of his purpose,
He deserves nothing but neglect,

٧. وان قصرت الفاظه عن مراده
فليس من استحقاقه غير اهمال

8. And if its meaning is pure but not its wording,
That is like a cheek with pockmarks and moles,

٨. وان يزك معناه ولم يزك لفظه
فذاك كخود في دريس واسمال

9. And of those before whose pursuit failed due to ignorance,
I liked nothing but their honesty, for honesty is the best attire,

٩. وما راقني ممن تقدم عهدهم
سوى الصدق ان الصدق اجمل سربال

10. And how wonderful this modernity would be if
It came to us with a face painted with a beauty spot,

١٠. ويا حبذا هذا الجديد لو انه
اتانا بوجه من طلاء به خال

11. And my rejection of extremists does not come
From my disposition, for desires differ,

١١. وما عن قلى رفضي الغلاة وانما
هنالك اميال تخالف اميالي

12. The edifice of poetry has collapsed except a little,
And it had been, filling the eye, like a high mountain,

١٢. قد انهار صرح الشعر الا اقله
وقد كان ملء العين كالجبل العالي

13. As for the reservoirs that were overflowing,
You will not find in them anything but a bucket or two,

١٣. واما حياض كان ثراً نميرها
فانك لا تلقى بها غير او شال

14. And I do not like those whose efforts failed due to ignorance,
Like one drawing water that overflows from a sieve,

١٤. ولم ارض فيمن خاب للجهل سعيهم
كمغترف ماء يفيض بغربال

15. I saw in you, O poetry, despicable vulgarity,
And this was not among my hopes for your fate,

١٥. رأيت ابتذالا فيك يا شعر زاريا
وما كان هذا في مصيرك آمالي

16. I wanted you vacant of trivial defects,
For you are to me that precious essence,

١٦. اردتك خلواً من عيوب زرية
فانك عندي ذلك الجوهر الغالي

17. As if you have not ridden a horse for plunder,
Nor been girded as a dancer with anklets,

١٧. كأنك لم تركب جواداً لغارة
ولم تتبطن كاعباً ذات خلخال

18. Those who argue with me about poetry argue not with insight,
A group of critics, all of them said,

١٨. يجادلني في الشعر لا عن روية
فرق من اللنقاد كلهم قال

19. Each of us is well-versed in what is right, he claims,
But the voice of the falsifiers is louder,

١٩. كلانا ملّم بالصواب بزعمه
ولكن صوت المبطلين هو العالي

20. Both of us, when we plunge into confusion are soaked,
But their being soaked is not like my being soaked,

٢٠. كلانا اذا خاض العجاجة مبسل
ولكنما ابسالهم غير ابسالي

21. There, war resembles anger and acceptance,
And not all who plunged into wars were heroes,

٢١. هنالك حرب شبها السخط والرضى
وما كل من خاضوا الحروب بابطال

22. I was raised on the independence of a rebellious soul,
So I accept no weaving but my own,

٢٢. نشأت على استقلال نفس تمردت
فلا ارتضى نسجا على غير منوالي

23. Nor do I claim to be unique in my sayings,
But I am content, like others, with my words,

٢٣. ولا ادعى اني انفردت بمقولي
ولكنني راض كغيري باقوالي

24. Except that I see that if I accompany them,
I would excel, and that I am above the barefoot,

٢٤. سوى ما اريهم انني ان قفوتهم
شأوت وأني فوق اجرد ذيال

25. This poetry has remained for fifty pilgrimages
Refining my words and correcting my deeds,

٢٥. لقد ظل هذا الشعر خمسين حجة
يهذب اقوالي ويصلح اعمالي

26. So I walked according to the lamp it guided me,
Even if in that guidance was my own misguidance,

٢٦. فسرت على ما قد هداني سراجه
وان كان في تلك الهداية اضلالي

27. And I spoke eloquently until old age weakened me,
So I fell silent like fading ruins,

٢٧. وافصحت حتى اوهنتني كبرة
وحينئذ اسمكت كالطلل البالي

28. And I said: Carry me, O poetry, I stumbled,
For my foot slipped as it bore my burdens,

٢٨. وقلت اقلني ايها الشعر عثرتي
فقد زل رجلي وهي تحمل اثقالي

29. So turn away from me, unwilling to lighten my load,
And gloat in turning away from me and my torment,

٢٩. فاعرض عني لا يريد اقالتي
واشمت في اعراضه بي عذالي

30. If I perish, I will not have lost
Much property or wealth,

٣٠. واني ان اهلك فلست بخاسر
لشيء كثير من عقار واموال

31. By your life, nothing about death frightens me,
Rather, this life of mine has terrors,

٣١. لعمرك ما في الموت شيء يهولني
ولكن حياتي هذه ذات اهوال

32. Moreover, after defeat, I will have another try,
With which I will show courage against every pretentious person,

٣٢. على ان لي بعد الهزيمة كرة
اصول بها جلداً على كل مختال

33. I will declare aloud the truth they conceal,
Even if they sever my limbs with the sword for the truth, O right,

٣٣. سأجهر بالحق الذي يكتمونه
وان قطعوا بالسيف يا حق اوصالي

34. And I in my rage am like a growling she-wolf,
And who, do you think, in their rage is other than wolf-like?

٣٤. واني في غيلي كرئبال غيضة
ومن ذا ترى في غيله غير رئبال

35. God has granted life to people who missed the paths of glory,
And sought no goals but through money.

٣٥. لحى اللَه ناساً اخطأوا طرق العلا
ولم يطلبوا الغايات الا من المال