
He ridicules me in his poetry

تعرض لي في شعره يتحكك

1. He ridicules me in his poetry
Perhaps you may weep or perhaps you may laugh

١. تعرض لي في شعره يتحكك
لعلك تبكي او لعلك تضحك

2. And the wicked man, if he goes striking
Chooses the worst of two paths

٢. وان لئيم القوم ان سار ضاربا
الى غاية شر الطريقين يسلك

3. I warned you against plunging into the deep end as it was overflowing
For in it you will surely perish

٣. نهيتك عن خوض الخضم وقد طغى
فانك فيه لا محالة تهلك