
Poetry is but a melody

ما الشعر الا نغم

1. Poetry is but a melody
In which the inspired one excels

١. ما الشعر الا نغم
يجيد فيه الملهم

2. The sad and the infatuated lament in it
And the lovesick and the devoted recite it

٢. يشدو به المحزون وال
مفتون والمتيم

3. The listener cried over hearing it
His tears harmonizing

٣. لقد بكى سامعه
فدمعه منسجم

4. Just as the reciter cried
When he was composing it

٤. كما بكى قائله
ابان كان ينظم

5. The suffering know nothing
In life but suffering

٥. لا يعرف المؤلمن في
الحياة الا المؤلم

6. Weep, for the tears
Of the weeping are solace for them

٦. ابك فان عبرة
الباكين سلوى لهم

7. Does not the tearful smile
Appear on the face of the sorrowful?

٧. أليس ثغر الدمع في
وجه الحزين يبسم

8. A thousand live miserably
And one in bliss

٨. الف يعيش بائساً
وواحد منعم

9. Poetry is neither meter nor
Rhyme to be adhered to

٩. الشعر لا وزن ولا
قافية تلتزم

10. Rather it is a rebellious meaning
That words have restrained

١٠. بل هو معنى ثائر
قد قيدته الكلم

11. Its bonds almost unravel
From its rebellion

١١. تكاد من ثورته
قيوده تنجذم

12. And poetry is music that shakes
The soul with its melody

١٢. والشعر موسيقى يهز
النفس منها النغم

13. Sometimes it relaxes it
And sometimes it gathers it

١٣. فتارة يبسطها
وتارة يلملم

14. And sometimes it builds hopes
And sometimes it destroys them

١٤. وتارة يبني المنى
وتارة يهدم

15. It is for a people whose
Era has passed in mourning

١٥. وهو لقوم عضهم
صرف الزمان مأتم

16. And it is for a group who
Were wedded with a lyre that sings

١٦. وهو لرهط اعرسوا
قيثارة ترنم

17. It is for those whose
Morals have been corrected

١٧. وهو لمن قد عوجت
اخلاقه مقوم

18. The early ones began
And the later ones completed

١٨. الاولون ابتدؤا
والاخرون تمموا

19. It is a lofty sky
With stars illuminating it

١٩. وهو سماء قد علت
تضيئ فيها الانجم

20. It is a feeling that ignites
The feelings of the listeners

٢٠. وهو شعور لشعو
ر السامعيه يضرم

21. It is the hues of imagination
Infused into life

٢١. وهو بالوان الخيا
ل في الحياة مفعم

22. It is, when it addresses virtues
The foremost in mentions

٢٢. وهو اذا خطب عرا
بصدقه يعتصم

23. The master poet - it is from
Himself that he is taught

٢٣. ان ذكر الآداب
فهو وحده المقدم

24. His worries compose for him
And life inspires him

٢٤. والشاعر الفحل له
من نفسه معلم

25. Until when passion boils
Words represent it

٢٥. همومه له ترو
ض والحياة تلهم

26. I love the singing and the
Melody from merriment

٢٦. حتى اذا جاش الشعو
ر مثلته الكلم

27. It is upon a branch of flowers
And leaves that perch

٢٧. يعجبني من الهزا
ر الشدو والترنم

28. With your singing my heart flutters
O melody I am enamored

٢٨. وهو على غصن من الدوح
وريق يجثم

29. For you translate what is in my mind
Of sorrows

٢٩. اني بشدوك الشجيّ
يا هزار مغرم

30. Poetry in its homeland
Has been angered as it suppressed

٣٠. فانت عما في فؤا
دي من اسىً تترجم

31. There is a group that says of it
What they do not know

٣١. الشعر في اوطانه
قد غيظ وهو يكظم

32. Most criticism has ulterior motives
And is suspect

٣٢. هناك ثلة تقو
ل فيه ما لا تعلم

33. And how much critics poison
Their swords and attack

٣٣. والنقد بالاغراض في
اكثره متهم

34. Nothing extinguishes the fires
Of their hatred but blood

٣٤. ورب ناقد يمج
السم فهو ارقم

35. If criticism judged fairly
It would be excellent judgment

٣٥. وما بمطفئ اوا
ر حقده الا الدم

36. But it is unjust in its rulings
And oppresses

٣٦. لو حكم النقد بعد
ل فهو نعم الحكم

37. As for sincere criticism
Its benefit is undisputed

٣٧. لكنه يجور في
احكامه ويظلم

38. Yet much good poetry
They have insulted and defamed

٣٨. وانما النقد النزيه
نفعه مسلم

39. Denying its beauty
As if they were blind to it

٣٩. ورب شعر حسن
له بقبح وصموا

40. Poetry may rise up enraged
And take revenge

٤٠. قد جحدوا جماله
كأنهم عنه عموا

41. Woe to those struck
By its flaming embers

٤١. والشعر قد يثور غضبان
وقد ينتقم

42. When poetry casts, arrows fly
And no arrows return fruitless

٤٢. ويل لمن يصيبه
شواظه المضطرم

43. Then every critic wishes
He could make peace

٤٣. اذا رمى الشعر فلا
تطيش منه الاسهم

44. And a wedding that brought joy
To some turns into mourning for them

٤٤. يومئذ يود كل
ناقد لو يسلم

45. For those who criticize it
Hit a rock and are injured

٤٥. ويعقب العرس الذي
افرح قوما مأتم

46. It is best for them to flee
For that is safer

٤٦. ان الذي ينقده
بصخرة يصطدم

47. Poetry does not fear criticism
Its sword is unblunted

٤٧. خير له ان يؤثر الفرار
فهو اسلم

48. Its fire is true fire
And its gathering is momentous

٤٨. الشعر لا يرهب نقداً
سيفه منثلم

49. No good in the criticism of one
Whose talk is nonsense

٤٩. لا ناره نار ولا
خميسه عرمرم

50. Falsehood and truth are not equal
To one who comprehends

٥٠. لا خير في نقد امرئ
حديثه مرّجم

51. This is a radiant day
And that is a dark night

٥١. لا يستوى الباطل والحق
لدى من يفهم

52. Truth is treated with sanctity
While falsehood has no respect

٥٢. هذا نهار مشرق
وذاك ليل مظلم

53. They said poetry is dead
After those who preceded

٥٣. الصدق يلقى حرمة
والكذب لا يحترم

54. They have lied, for poetry lives
Full of vitality

٥٤. قالوا لقد مات القريض
بعد من تقدموا

55. Live O poetry, for you are
The greatest leader

٥٥. قد كذبوا فالشعر حيّ
بالنشاط مفعم

56. Under your banner hearts
Have gathered crowding

٥٦. عش ايها الشعر فانك
الزعيم الاعظم

57. For they walk when you walk
Or settle when you settle

٥٧. تحت لوائك القلو
ب اجتمعت تزدحم

58. You are in life, O poetry
For me an established faith

٥٨. فهي اذا مشيت تمشي
او جثمت تجثم