1. Greater than Faisal is Malik Hazim
And his son, the pride of emirate, Ghazi
١. أكبر بفيصل من مليك حازم
وبنجله فخر الإمارة غازي
2. And the army in punishing the gang
That had corrupted, and the excellent commander
٢. والجيش في تنكيله بعصابة
قد افسدت والقائد الممتاز
3. And the wise decisive government showed
The effect of efficiency however prominently displayed
٣. ووزارة الحزم الرشيدة ابرزت
اثر الكفاءة ايما ابراز
4. It brought together after it clung in its approach
To glory, achievements to achievements
٤. ضمت غداة تعلقت في نهجها
بالمجد احرازا الى احراز
5. So its people honored it, and it is
Worthy like the dawn of glorification
٥. فاعزها الشعب الكريم وانها
لجديرة كالصبح بالاعزاز
6. Of young men who tamed difficulties wisely
It asked generous, every heart delighted
٦. من فتية راضوا الصعاب بحكمة
سلت سخيمة كل قلب ناز
7. As if they are the flowers of the shining stars
In the vast space of horizons
٧. وكأنهم زهر النجوم مضيئة
ما في الفضاء الرحب من اجواز
8. As for the rebels, they are like the birds
That were scared by the swooping hawk
٨. اما العصاة فكالعصافير التي
قد اجفلت عند انقضاض البازي
9. They who had represented the martyrs in the night
After the killing and preparation
٩. وهي التي قد مثلت في الليل بالشهداء
بعد القتل والاجهاز
10. The army chased them and scattered their unity
And the horses are bloody from the blade
١٠. الجيش طاردها وبدد شملها
والخيل دامية من المهماز
11. Say O sons of Athor, do not rebel
For God is the requiter of the rebels
١١. قل يا بني آثور لا تتمردوا
فاللَه للمتمردين مجاز
12. So it seemed to them that the decision on the flames
Was impossible, so they went to all discord
١٢. فبدا لهم ان القرار على اللظى
متعذر فاووا لكل نشاز
13. When they saw that there is no escape from perdition
They threw down the weapon of the fiery rebel
١٣. لما رأوا ان لاعصام من الردى
القوا سلاح الثائر الحفاز
14. They betrayed Iraq with their despotism, and it is the one
That blocked what was deficient in the people
١٤. خانوا العراق ببغيهم وهو الذي
قد سد ما في القوم من اعواز
15. They wanted with weapons supplied to them
From the plots of the infiltrators with supplies
١٥. راموا باسلحة لهم افزازه
من حدث الدخلاء بالافزاز
16. Did the rebels want from their own impulse
Or was that treason by incitement?
١٦. أبغي العصاة بدافع من نفسهم
ام كان ذاك البغي بالايعاز
17. Rather they are people who walked from their frivolity
Seeking after a glowing coal
١٧. بل انهم قوم مشوا من طيشهم
يسعون خلف ممخرق لماز
18. Those who spoke nonsense to them deluded them
Rebel, so the sword of the army is not blunt
١٨. قد غرهم من قال من سفه به
ثوروا فسيف الجيش غير جراز
19. And perhaps they had believed after
They denied the miracles of the sword
١٩. ولعلهم قد آمنوا من بعد ما
جحدوا بما للسيف من اعجاز
20. Whoever does not heed kindness
Out of fear of the shaking sword
٢٠. من كان لا يعنو لاحسان عنا
من خوفه للصارم الهزاز
21. And today there is no fear for them after
They sought safety at the hands of the warriors
٢١. واليوم لا خوف عليهم بعد ما
طلبوا الامان على يد الجلواز