
The sons of the Tigris and Euphrates sleep

ابناء دجلة والفرات نيام

1. The sons of the Tigris and Euphrates sleep
Oblivious of their rights as dreams delight them

١. ابناء دجلة والفرات نيام
عن حقها وتسرها الاحلام

2. And when the truths cannot find in a nation
Support, then illusions take their place

٢. واذا الحقائق لم تجد في امة
سندا تقوم مقامها الاوهام

3. The truth endows me with clarity and certainty
While falsehood leaves me in doubt and confusion

٣. الحق يكسبني اليقين وضوحه
ويريبني في الباطل الابهام

4. Will cultured Baghdad greet Salama with peace?
Or is there no peace in the abode of peace?

٤. أتنيل بغداد الاديب سلامة
ام ليس في بلد السلام سلام

5. I have despaired, for life is not beautiful for me
Nor is the face of purpose cheerful for me

٥. انا قد يئست فلا الحياة جميلة
عندي ولا وجه المنى بسام

6. Iraq, in it lives a people miserable
A people on whom humiliation is imposed repeatedly

٦. ان العراق به يعيش لشقوة
شعب يسام الذل ثم يسام

7. They have become so accustomed that it is now their nature
From the length of time that days have shaped them

٧. الفوه حتى صار فيهم طابعا
من طول ما صفتهم الايام

8. If they were made to walk on their heads
They would walk as if their heads were their feet

٨. لو كلفوا مشيا على اراسهم
لمشوا كأن رؤسهم اقدام

9. Every kingdom is protected by its zealous defenders
But Iraq has no protectors

٩. عن كل مملكة يذود همامها
اما العراق فليس فيه همام

10. If I were to count the greatest men of this age
He is Mustafa Al-Wahhabi, the bold and intrepid

١٠. اسمى رجال العصر ان احصيتهم
هو مصطفى الوثابة المقدام

11. The brilliant genius of his time
As the days bear witness to that

١١. العبقري الفذ في ايامه
وله بذلك تشهد الايام

12. Mustafa the Conqueror cannot be compared to another
Rather, he is the leader of reformers

١٢. ما مصطفى الغازي يقاس بغيره
بل انه للمصلحين امام

13. Whoever compares him to others belittles him
As if they are dwarfs next to him

١٣. من قاسه بالآخرين بدواله
في جنبه وكأنهم اقزام

14. I glorify him for his deeds
And few can attain such glory

١٤. اني لاعظمه على افعاله
ولمثله لا يكثر الاعظام

15. Do not, for Allah’s sake, deny my exaltation of him
For I am enamored with the heroes of time

١٥. لا تنكروا باللَه اعظامي له
انا لي بابطال الزمان غرام

16. He is the pride of his nation that was empowered by him
If it prides itself in its men over other nations

١٦. هو فخر امته التي عزت به
ان فاخرت برجالها الاقوام

17. And Ibn Saud, he has the leadership, for he
Is the pillar by which Islam is strengthened

١٧. وابن السعود له الامامة انه
السند الذي يقوى به الاسلام

18. King of Arabism, its might, reform,
Stubbornness, and courageous protectors

١٨. ملك العروبة عزها وصلاحها
وعصامها وشجاعها الهمام

19. Najd is his, then Hijaz, and Iraq
Sings his praises, as does Syria

١٩. نجد له ثم الحجاز وانما
يشدو العراق بحمده والشام

20. Alas! No past glory can rise from its grave
For Iraq, ever again

٢٠. هيهات ليس يقوم من جدث به
دفنوه مجد للعراق قدام

21. They wore out Arabism with empty claims of loyalty
While the disloyal one is but deceiving darkness

٢١. شنؤوا العروبة مدعين ولاءها
ما بالولي مخادع ظلام

22. Between the heart and hatred is a vast rift
For the heart builds while hatred demolishes

٢٢. بين القلى والحب بون شاسع
فالحب يبنى والقلى هدام

23. No matter how the young man wants to conceal his hatred
It shows as a blemish on the young man's heart

٢٣. نظر الفتى مهما اراد لحقده
كتما على قلب الفتى نمام

24. The eye, which is but a window for thought
Can bring at times light, and at times darkness

٢٤. يأتي من العين التي هي كوة
للفكر نور تارة وظلام

25. They want me to speak openly, but by God
Some truths cannot be uttered clearly

٢٥. يبغون تصريحي ورب حقيقة
ليست تسيغ أجابها الافهام

26. Sharpen your weapon as much as you can, for
Your religion is betrayed and life is an ongoing clash

٢٦. اشحذ سلاحك ما استطعت فانما
ديناك تغدر والحياة صدام