1. In poetry, life is told
And the soul and tendencies
١. في الشعر تُحكى الحياة
والنفس والنزعات
2. And of poetry a book
Its verses clear proofs
٢. والشعر منه كتاب
آياته بينات
3. And of it what is gentle such
That it seems like tears
٣. ومنه ما رق حتى
كأنه عبرات
4. As for this poem of mine
It is but outpourings
٤. اما قريضي هذا
فانه نفثات
5. Poetry from my feelings
With truth its pillars
٥. شعر له من شعوري
والصدق مستندات
6. I polished it not with
Calamities and tribulations
٦. وإنما صقلته ال
خطوب والنكبات
7. Rather they feed it whenever
The Tigris and Euphrates overflow
٧. تمده كلما غا
ض دجلة والفرات