1. The sea boils as if the sea was a volcano
Its fires stirred beneath the water's overflow
١. البحر يغلى كان البحر بركان
تثيره تحت فيض الماء نيران
2. And the night is pitch-dark but for a guiding lamp
It has power over the darkness of the night
٢. والليل داج سوى مصباح هادية
له على ظلمات الليل سلطان
3. The sea is torn by a raging storm
Like the heart of a bereaved mother wailing at night
٣. تمزق البحر من هوجاء عاصفة
كقلب ثكلى لها في الليل ارنان
4. And the eye observed waves that were turbulent
As if they were ghosts and jinn
٤. وراعت العين امواج قد اصطخبت
كأنهن عفاريت وجنان
5. In a form, elevated and depressed
As if they were dunes and valleys
٥. في شكل مرتفع منها ومنخفض
كأنما هي كثبان ووهدان
6. And on the shore of the sea there stood
A figure with evident sorrow in his eyes
٦. وكان في ساحل الدأماء منتصباً
شخص تبين في عينيه اشجان
7. He looks longingly to a boat tossed
By the waves, the boat wandering aimlessly
٧. يرنو مليا الى فلك تقاذفه
في اللج امواجه والفلك هيمان
8. And after the waves came between them
As if those waves were walls
٨. وبعد ما حالت الامواج بينهما
كأنما تلكم الامواج جدران
9. I heard him saying woe is me, elongated
As one pointing to dangers, anxious
٩. سمعته قائلا ويلي ومديداً
كما يشير إلى الاخطار لهفان
10. The sharp waves tore him apart
Until he fell and the sea engulfed him
١٠. قد مزقته سيوف الموج مرهفة
حتى هوى فطواه اللج يختان
11. He was wrestling with it before he disappeared
Then he vanished and so did his loved ones
١١. وكان قبل تواريه يصارعه
ثم اختفى وذويه ثم ما بانوا
12. The boat contained a dear one to me, alas my sorrow
The rope of my hope in it is lost
١٢. الفلك يحوي عزيزاً لي فوا حزني
ان بت حبل رجائي فيه فقدان
13. The sea should not have killed him
If the sea, with its waves, had a conscience
١٣. لا ينبغي ان يكون البحر قاتله
ان كان للبحر ذي الامواج وجدان
14. If I was fearful of it before
Then grief will gnaw at my heart
١٤. ان كان ما كنت منه قبل في وجل
فسوف تنهش مني القلب احزان
15. Is it possible for one I love to wrestle
The waves or did sickness make him weak
١٥. أفي استطاعة من اهوى مصارعة
للموج ام هو من جراه عيان
16. Or did the sea take him into its embrace
As if the sea has a mother's embrace
١٦. ام ضمه البحر في احضان لجته
ام ليس للبحر مثل الام احضان
17. And after that he called out to him
But only the waves responded, as if they were human
١٧. وبعد ذلك ناداه يسائله
فلم يجبه سوى الامواج انسان
18. So he said: But he has drowned in its abyss
And the abyss is his grave and the waves his shroud
١٨. فقال بل قد ثوى في لجه غرقا
واللج قبر له والموج اكفان
19. O sea take me to the one you have taken
For I am thirsty to meet him
١٩. يا بحر خذني الى من انت آخذه
فانني لألى لقياه ظمآن
20. If I die then I have no regret
And if I live I have no solace without him
٢٠. فان هلكت فمالي عنه منصرف
وان بقيت فمالي عنه سلوان
21. Then he threw himself with irreversible momentum
Into the sea, plunging into it in agony
٢١. ثم ارتمى باندفاع لامرد له
في البحر يقحم فيه وهو اسوان
22. Indeed the beloved who the waves have claimed
Is my loss and he who loves him deserves compensation
٢٢. ان الحبيب لذي اودى الخضم به
هو القريض ومن يهواه جبران
23. And the sea is but the East which has been disturbed
And the raging winds are painful moans
٢٣. والبحر ليس سوى الشرق الذي اضطربت
اموره والرياح الهوج اضغان
24. Gibran died exhausted in his exile
But love for Gibran does not die in hearts
٢٤. قد مات جبران مجهودا بمهجره
ولا تموت على جبران اشجان
25. Lebanon, my bereaved one, lies weeping for her son
And Egypt and Baghdad shared her sorrow
٢٥. لبنان ثكلى جثت تبكي ابن تلعتها
وشاركتها اسى مصر وبغدان
26. Gibran left her a fluttering soul
And he poured himself back to her as a corpse
٢٦. جبران فارقها روحا مرفرفة
وعاد يصبو اليها وهو جثمان
27. Gibran is embraced by a grave as a loving mother
And Lebanon embraces him as a mother her son
٢٧. جبران يحضنه قبر كمشفقة
والقبر تحضنه كالام لبنان
28. The leaders all bid him farewell
And bells and monks held a procession
٢٨. قد شيعته رجال الحكم قاطبة
وشيعته نواقيس ورهبان
29. In his grave is silent sublime wisdom
And above him are kinds of flowers
٢٩. في قبره حكمة روعاء صامتة
وفوقه من صنوف الزهر الوان
30. And above him are unceasing teardrops
Watering him, then his soul, then sweet basil
٣٠. وفوقه عبرات غير راقئة
يسقينه ثم روح ثم ريحان
31. Gibran was but a nightingale who sang
With melodies for the vines of Finiin
٣١. ما كان جبران الا بلبلا غرداً
له على دوحه الفينان الحان
32. When he chanted from his pulpit
Ears from horizons listened to him
٣٢. اذا ترنم يشدو فوق منبره
اصغت اليه من الآفاق آذان
33. Read him alone in the age of renewal
Where his name is title to the book of poetry
٣٣. اقرأه في دولة التجديد منفردا
حيث اسمه لكتاب الشعر عنوان
34. If he wrote a line then the line is a library
Or said a verse then the verse is a collection
٣٤. ان خط سطراً فان السطر مكتبة
او قال بيتا فان البيت ديوان
35. How much wisdom after the wise man uttered it
Traveled through the valleys of the land on steeds
٣٥. كم حكمة بعد ان فاه الحكيم بها
سارت بها في فجاج الارض ركبان
36. Gibran had blessed revolutions
Against the old which lives and is stubborn
٣٦. كانت لجبران ثورات مباركة
على القديم الذي يحيا وعصيان
37. As for the old it is molting of its skin
As if when it meets you it is a serpent
٣٧. اما القديم فنضناض لشرته
كأنه عندما يلقاك ثعبان
38. He has immortality in his works which have spread
In them is beauty radiant like the dawn
٣٨. له الخلود بآثار له انتشرت
فيها جمال كضوء الصبح فتان
39. A person is most valuable when beyond the dust he walked
And the greatest thing about a person is faith
٣٩. المرء اقدر من فوق التراب مشى
وان اكبر ما في المرء ايمان
40. God help Lebanon, who has been bereaved,
From what makes Lebanon bereaved
٤٠. الله عون للبنان وقد ثكلت
مما تكابده في الثكل لبنان
41. Who will give me a cooled cup
For today I am burning from my anxieties
٤١. من ذا يجرعني كأسا مبردة
فانني من همومي اليوم حران
42. If there is profit for me in loss as they claimed
Then everything other than loss is loss
٤٢. ان كان في الخسر لي ربح كما زعموا
فكل امر سوى الخسران خسران
43. No answerer though I called loudly
Isn't every living being awake
٤٣. ما من مجيب وقد ناديت ملء فمي
أليس في الحي كل الحي يقظان