
What sanctity does this edifice enclose

أي قدس يضم هذا البناء

1. What sanctity does this edifice enclose
The sky envied its land that it chose

١. أيَّ قدس يضُمَ هذا البناء
حسدت أرضه عليه السماء

2. If anything on this earth sacred could be
Then this is that sanctified edifice to me

٢. أن يكن فوق هذه الأرض شيء
فيه قدسيّةٌ فهذا البناء

3. It is but a structure, yet it is graced
With great intentions that hallow a place

٣. هو من هذه البَنيّات لكن
شرُفت بالمقاصد الأشياء

4. Whenever I come to it, humbly, I see
Majestic glory underneath its roof so high

٤. كلما جئته مُلمّاً تجلّت
لي من تحت أسّه العلياء

5. It pioneered in this land, and to protect
Innocents in it, acts a chaste intellect

٥. هو بِكر في ذي البلاد وللأط
فال فيه حماية عذراء

6. We never before thought of what was thought of
By the merciful before we were brought of

٦. لم نكن قبل ذا نُفكّر فيما
فكّرت فيه قبلنا الرُحماء

7. Misery's blight in homelands was a bane
That melted babies into woe and pain

٧. كان للبُؤس في المواطن لفح
من سَموم تذوي به الرضعاء

8. A child, some by poverty were undone
Though their mothers had milk that could suckle one

٨. ربّ طفل أودت به قِلّة الدَرّ
على أن أمّه ثَدياء

9. A mother whose spouse made her hopes recede
And penury wore down her body and deed

٩. أمّه من أبيه آمت فأمست
ينهك البؤس جسمها والشقاء

10. Her gaunt shape told that tale although she had
No withering in her frame or muscles clad

١٠. فحكى شخصها الخَيالة إذ لا
ح ذبول بجسمها وأرتخاء

11. Her breast sagged without milk or any food
To nourish the babe as a motherhood should

١١. وأرتمى ثديها وفيه جَفاف
لم يكن للرضيع فيهِ غذاء

12. So if he did not live, death gave him release
And if he lived, he lived with disease

١٢. فهو أن لم يعِش فموت مُريح
وهو أن عاش عاش فيه الداء

13. That's how newborns lived, their lives to cede
Fated for extinction, their brief lives to bleed

١٣. هكذا كانت المواليد تحيا
ولها من حياتها افناء

14. It's base that we see children with us fade
For they are poor, hence their loss decades made

١٤. ومن اللؤم أن نرى عندنا الأط
فال تفنى لأنهم فقراء

15. No food in their insides, no clothes for their backs
No covers above them, no shelter that packs

١٥. لا غذاء في جَوفهم لا كساء
لا غطاء من فوقهم لا ِوطاء

16. A child dead, if alive, a hope he'd have been
Of succor for people, a prospect foreseen

١٦. علّ ميتاً لو عاش منهم لأضحى
فيه للناس مأمل ورجاء

17. Many died with them whose honorable thought
Brought us glory, esteem that their loss had wrought

١٧. ربّ من مات منهِم مات معه
شرف باذخ لنا وعَلاء

18. Children's deaths are no triviality
For geniuses could have stemmed from their seed

١٨. ليس موت الأطفال هيناً فقد ين
بُغ منهم نوابغٌ أذكياء

19. They are like sea shells, you know not if they
Hide a pearl inside or are empty in their gray

١٩. إنما هم كمثل أصداف بحر
لست تدري دُرّ بها أم خلاء

20. So the child who died maybe had a mind
That died with him, intelligence of its kind

٢٠. فلعلّ الطفل الذي مات منهم
مات عقل بموته ودهاء

21. He was a flower that an unkind hand plucked
Before it bloomed, its time by fate unstuck

٢١. أنه مثل وردة قطفتها
قبل ما فتحها يدٌ عسراء

22. Exalted is this house in beauty and rank
With grandeur and breadth it is steadfast and frank

٢٢. جلّ هذا البناء حسناً وقدراً
فهو فيه فخامة ورُواء

23. It climbed eulogies' steps so high that no height
Of glory under the stars matches its might

٢٣. وعلا في معارج الحمد حتى
لم تُطاوله في العُلا الجوزاء

24. Whenever my eyes wander its halls and sights
I see splendor flash from its lofty heights

٢٤. كلّما جال في مبانيه طرفي
لمعت لي من جُدره العلياء

25. It shows it was built by folk noble in soul
Generous at heart, magnanimous their goal

٢٥. ولقد دلّ أنّ مَن شيّدوه
سادة في طباعهم كُرَماء

26. God reward their effort, successes unfurled
Reached the pride that their spirits had swirled

٢٦. شكر اللّه سعيهم من كرام
بلغوا من فَخارهم ما شاءوا

27. Their name through ages will lasting remain
With praise and acclaim will their memory reign

٢٧. سوف يبقى لهم على الدهر ذكر
فيه حمد لهم وفيه ثناء

28. Those who built it are winners of all acclaim
While misers in shame have blackened their name

٢٨. فاز مَن شيّدوه بالحمد وأسوَدّ
ت وجوهاً بخزيها البخلاء

29. Do not falter O eminent upright home
In you, children's cure and recovery roam

٢٩. لا تُرَع أيها البناء المُعلّى
فلمرضى الأطفال فيك شفاء

30. In you, wet nurses treat them with care
Doctors attend them, medicine is there

٣٠. ولهم فيك مرضعات حوانٍ
ولهم فيك طبّهم والدواء

31. In you, safety and shelter they will find
In you, health and growth they will bind

٣١. ولهم فيك مأمن وملاذ
ولهم فيك صحّة ونماء

32. In your pavilions, virtues abound
That with eloquence poets expound

٣٢. في عَلاليك من فنون المعالي
ما بفحواه عَيَّت الشعراء

33. Your walls spoke to me with voiceless tongue
Eloquence within your silent lungs

٣٣. كلّمتنا منك المباني كلاماً
فيه منها فصاحة خرساء

34. You are the century's pride, oft sung
About you rises my eulogy young

٣٤. إنما أنت غرّة الدهر تُتلى
فيك منّي قصيدة غرّاء