1. Your father, the spring of generosity, is well known,
And you are the one God's creatures most resembling generosity.
١. أما أبوك فعين الجود تعرفه
وأنت أشبه خلق اللَه بالجود
2. Had it not been for Yazid before, or Omar before that,
I would have yielded to you the keys of power.
٢. لولا يزيد ولولا قبله عمر
ألقت إليك معد بالمقاليد
3. Aloeswood grows but on its climbing spot,
And from the aloeswood alone comes fruit.
٣. ما ينبت العود إلا في أرومته
ولا يكون الجنى إلا من العود