
I looked at the times and its people with a look that sufficed me

إني نظرت إلى الزمان

1. I looked at the times and its people with a look that sufficed me
So I knew it and I knew them

١. إني نظرت إلى الزما
ن وأهله نظراً كفاني

2. And I knew my dignity from my humiliation
So for that reason I ignore the friend so he does not see me and I do not see him

٢. فعرفته وعرفتهم
وعرفت عزي من هواني

3. And I became ascetic towards what is in his hands and less than it, attaining wishes
So they were astonished at the defeats

٣. فلذاك أطّرح الصد
يق فلا أراه ولا يراني

4. And I gave the farthest parts to the nearest
And I slipped away from between the crowds so it has no second in conquest

٤. وزهدت فيما في يدي
ه ودونه نيل الأماني

٥. فتعجبوا لمغالب
وهب الأقاصي للأداني

٦. وانسل من بين الزحا
م فماله في الغلب ثاني