
O breezes blowing from the land of Babylon

أيا نفحات الريح من أرض بابل

1. O breezes blowing from the land of Babylon
By the right of passion, carry my messages

١. أيا نَفَحاتِ الريحِ من أرضِ بابل
بحَقِّ الهوى إلاّ حَمَلْتِ رسائلي

2. To the best of companions, my heart is infatuated with his love
With it my worries are complete and my mind confused

٢. إلى خيرِ إلفٍ هام قلبي بحبِّه
به تمّ وَسْواسي وهاجَتْ بَلابلي

3. And I said to him: O light of my heart and my vision
You have departed with my heart, while passion does not depart

٣. وقلت له: يا نورَ قلبي وناظري
رحلتَ بقلبي، والهوى غيرُ راحِلِ

4. And you have separated what is between the eyelids and their sleep
And connected what is between me and my loves

٤. وفرَّقتَ ما بينَ الجُفون ونومها
وواصلتَ ما بيني وبين عواذلي

5. Indeed in the deserts of Murayt are dwellings
For our loved ones, honor them over other dwellings!

٥. وإنّ بصحراءِ المُرَيْطِ منازلاً
لأحبابنا، أكرِمْ بها من منازل!

6. And in them is she whom my heart is infatuated with her love
And how many questioners have gained nothing from them

٦. وفيها التي هام الفؤادُ بحبِّها
وكم سائلٍ لم يحظَ منها بطائلِ

7. Her attachment to the past without passion
Has today preoccupied her from all preoccupations

٧. تعلَّقها بالأمسِ خِلْواً من الهوى
فقدْ شغلتْهُ اليومَ عن كلّ شاغِلِ