
The abode of chastity did not shelter me,

لم ترعني دار عفت بالجناب

1. The abode of chastity did not shelter me,
Its resident, like the scripture’s inscription.

١. لَم تُرعني دار عفَت بالجَنابِ
دارِسٌ آيها كخَطِّ الكِتابِ

2. I felt lonesome after family and friends
Nearby chatterers with shabby clothes.

٢. أَوحشت بعد آهل وَأَنيس
مِن جَوارِ خَرائِدٍ أَتراب

3. Their cheeks as clear as the udder’s cow,
The fever’s eye the duties of hilltops.

٣. واضِحاتِ الخُدود كالبقر الخُذّ
س عين الحمى فُروض الرَوابي

4. What preoccupied me was remembering my state
In prison, the servant of the book.

٤. إِنَّما راعَني لذكرايَ حالي
بسجستانَ خادِمُ الكتاب

5. Stop blaming my mind and religion
And my pursuit of knowledge through every door.

٥. قلّ عَنّي عَناءُ عَقلي وَديني
وَدُخولي في العلم من كُلِّ باب

6. You knew me when that was my first pursuit
In prison, the craft of literature.

٦. أَدركتَني وَذاكَ أَول دأبي
بسجستان حرفةُ الآداب