
If pride was only for your soul alone

فلو لم يكن إلا بنفسك فخرها

1. If pride was only for your soul alone
On the day of pride, the merit would be yours

١. فَلَو لَم يَكُن إِلّا بِنَفسِك فَخرُها
لَكانَ لَها يَوم الفخار بك الفَضلُ

2. You walked slowly, and tired those who ran
No fatigue brings them near you, no respite

٢. جَريتَ عَلى مَهل فأتعبت من جرى
فَلا تعبٌ يُدني إِلَيكَ وَلا مهل

3. He gives his worldly goods, but holds back his faith
None can match his generosity, none his stinginess

٣. وَيبذُل دُنياه وَيَمنَع دينَه
فَلا مثل ذا بذل وَلا مثل ذا بخل