1. Alas! Did my treacherous people and my onlookers come,
Remaining for them to say while the close ones put on their cloaks,
١. أَلا هَل أَتى قَومي مكّري وَمَشهَدي
بقا ليقلا وَالمقربات تَثوب
2. The allies of Ma'add gathered, their elders and youth,
And Qahtan among them, a milker and wet nurse,
٢. تَداعَت معدّ شيبُها وَشَبابها
وَقَحطانُ مِنها حالِب وَحَليب
3. To loot my wealth without looting,
With a sword, thin of blade, unsheathed,
٣. لِيَنتَهِبوا مالي وَدون انتهابه
حُسامٌ رَقيق الشَفرَتين خَشيب
4. And I called the horsemen of Marw and Balkh,
For them in the generous is sufficient pedigree,
٤. وَنادَيت مِن مَروٍ وَبلخٍ فَوارِساً
لَهُم حسب في الأَكرمين حَسيب
5. Oh what a pity! The abode of my people is not near,
So that many of them come to my aid and it would be pleasant,
٥. فَيا حَسرَتا لا دار قَومي قَريبَة
فَيَكثر منهم ناصِري فَيَطيب
6. Verily my father is Sasan son of Hormuzd,
And the Khagan, if only you knew my lineage,
٦. وَإِنَّ أَبي ساسان كسرى بن هرمز
وَخاقان لي لَو تَعلَمين نَسيب
7. We ruled over the necks of all people in polytheism,
For us, the obedient under command bows,
٧. ملكنا رِقاب الناس في الشِركِ كلَّهُم
لَنا تابع طوع القِياد جَنيب
8. We would make you collapse and judge upon you,
With what we willed, one who misses and one who hits the mark,
٨. نسومكم خسفاً وَنَقضي عَلَيكُمُ
بِما شاءَ مِنّا مخطىءٌ وَمُصيبُ
9. But when Islam came and hearts opened up to it,
Yearning through it towards people, regretting,
٩. فَلَمّا أَتى الإِسلامُ وانشرحت له
صُدور به نَحو الأَنام تنيب
10. We followed the Messenger of Allah until it was as if
A sky above us with men pouring.
١٠. تَبِعنا رَسول اللَه حَتّى كَأَنَّما
سَماءٌ عَلَينا بالرِجال تَصوب