
O you who call jurisprudence to its people

يا ناعي الفقه إلى أهله

1. O you who call jurisprudence to its people
Though Jacob has passed away, unknowing

١. يا ناعيَ الفِقهِ إِلى أَهلِهِ
إِن ماتَ يَعقوب وَما يَدري

2. Jurisprudence did not die, but rather
It was transferred from one chest to another

٢. لَم يَمُتِ الفِقهُ وَلَكِنَّهُ
حُوِّل مِن صَدر إِلى صدر

3. Jacob passed it on to Joseph
And it moved from purity to purity

٣. أَلقاهُ يَعقوب إِلى يوسفٍ
وَآلَ من طيب إِلى طهر

4. So it remains, and when he passed away
It settled, and jurisprudence settled in a grave

٤. فَهوَ مُقيم فَإِذا ما ثَوى
حَلَّ وَحَلَّ الفقه في قَبر