1. O men, I have wearied of a people
Whose neighborhood I see as one of life's calamities,
١. يا لِلرِجال لِقَوم قَد مِللتُهُمُ
أَرى جوارهُم إِحدى البليّاتِ
2. A suckling wolf-cub along with a contending swine,
Scorpions, demons, and snakes lively with evil.
٢. ذِئب رَضيع وَخَنزير تعارضها
عَقارِب وُجِنَت وَجنا بِحَيّات
3. What do you think of people whose best livelihood
Is revealing defects - they called them trusts?
٣. ما ظَنُّكُم بأناس خَيرُ كسبهم
مُصرّحُ السُحت سَمَّوه الأَمانات
4. Once I thought myself a head but they made me
Their tails in office.
٤. قَد كُنتُ أَحسبُني رأساً فَقَد جَعلت
أَذنابهم بالولاياتِ
5. Thanks be to God - how many wonders time brings
And how affairs and states shift and change!
٥. وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ كَم في الدَهر مِن عَجَب
وَمِن تصرّف أَحوال وَحالات
6. While you see a man on a lofty, splendid dune,
Suddenly he's gone from it, to a ditch and ruin.
٦. بَينا تَرى المَرء في عَيطاءَ مشرفَةٍ
إِذ زالَ عَنها إِلى دَحض وَمومات
7. Look neither at a mind nor manners -
Ancestors are twins to foolish acts.
٧. لا تَنظُرَنَّ إِلى عَقلٍ وَلا أَدَبِ
إِنَّ الجدود قَريناتُ الحَماقاتِ