
When a man reaches forty and is still

إذا المرء وفى الأربعين ولم يكن

1. When a man reaches forty and is still
Unsettled, with no refuge but his whims,

١. إِذا المَرءُ وَفّى الأَربَعينَ وَلَم يَكُن
لَه دون ما يَهوى حَياءٌ وَلا سِترُ

2. Leave him; don't waste your breath reproaching one
Who drags his lifetime's rags in his own trail.

٢. فَدَعهُ ولآ تَنفَس عَلَيهِ الَّذي أَتى
وَإِن جَرَّ أَذيال الحَياة لَهُ الدَهر