
Alas! When one departs from life, is there a return?

ألا هل لما ولى من العيش مرجع

1. Alas! When one departs from life, is there a return?
And does the soul find eternal rest for itself?

١. أَلا هَل لما وَلّى من العَيش مَرجِعُ
وَهَل في خُلود النَفس لِلنَفس مَطمَعُ

2. When misfortune befalls a man, is any resolute
Except as one helpless in the end?

٢. وَهَل حازِمٌ إِلّا كآخرَ عاجِزٍ
إِذا حَلَّ بالإِنسان ما يتوقّع

3. Does the soul of a dear one follow another soul?
Or when death comes, is there no going back?

٣. وَهَل تَقتَدي نَفس بِنَفس عَزيزة
عَلى أَهلِها أَم هَل لما حُمّ مرجع

4. Does a young man have a neighbor to guard him from harm,
So he wakes securely with no cause for fear?

٤. وَهَل لِلفَتى جارٌ يجنّبه الرَدى
فَيًصبِح فيه آمِناً لا يُروّع

5. A man strives for what is good for him,
Yet his soul dislikes what will benefit him.

٥. تَرى المَرءُ يَسعى لِلَّذي فيهِ خَيرُهُ
وَتَكرَه شَيئاً نَفسُه وَهوَ يَنفَعُ

6. How pitiful is man when his mind betrays him!
Does he not see the right way and hear it?

٦. فَيا حَسرَةَ الإِنسان ما اغتال عقله
أَلَيسَ يَرى وَجهَ السداد وَيَسمَع

7. You see him independent when he is content,
And find him a slave, pleading, when he is greedy.

٧. تَراهُ عَزيزاً حينَ يًصبِح قانِعاً
وَتَلقاهُ عَبداً ضارِعاً حينَ يَطمَع

8. Can it avail me to pour forth my grief
For loved ones who left us and bade farewell?

٨. فَهَل تَنفَعَنّي عبرةٌ إِن سفحتُها
لفقد أُناس فارَقونا فَودَّعوا

9. I call to them while the earth lies between us.
They do not hear my voice or answer, but hurry on.

٩. أُناديهم وَالأَرضُ بَيني وَبينَهم
وَلَم يَسمَعوا صَوتي أَجابوا فَأَسرَعوا

10. They departed before me, leaving me behind
Until the fated moment when I will follow.

١٠. مَضوا سَلَفاً قَبلي فَخلِّفتُ بعدهم
إِلى غاية مَبلوغة ثُمَّ اتبع

11. They said: Do not weep for Kharija ibn 'Amir!
I said: Yes, if that will avail.

١١. وَقالوا أَلا تَبكي خَريم بن عامِر
فَقُلتُ بَلى إِن كانَ ذَلِكَ يَنفَع

12. I will weep for Abu 'Amr - rightly he deserves weeping -
With copious flowing tears of sorrow.

١٢. سَأَبكي أَبا عَمرو وحقّ بُكاؤُهُ
بمطروفةٍ عبرى تَفيض وَتَدمَع

13. I will weep for Abu 'Amr, for a guest with covered face,
For one in need with which he knew not what to do.

١٣. وَأَبكي أَبا عمرو لضيف مدقَّع
وَذي حاجة أعيى بِها كَيفَ يَصنَع

14. He was the tongue of the living tribe of Qais and its sharp sword.
Through him Qais did injury and brought benefit.

١٤. وَكانَ لِسانَ الحيّ قيسٍ وَنابَها
وَكانَت بِهِ قَيسٌ تضرَّ وَتَنفَع