1. The life of the son of Adam does not last, his prosperity does not endure
Both the insignificant and the great are equal in it
١. عَيشُ ابنِ أآدَمَ لا يَدُومُ نَعِيمُهُ
سَيَّانِ فيهِ حَقيرُهُ وعظيمُهُ
2. Between the hopeful in the joy of his life
Until the breeze of death blows upon him
٢. بينَ المُؤَمَّلِ في مَسَرَّةِ عَيشِهِ
حَتَّى يَهُبَّ مِنَ المَمَاتِ نَسِيمُهُ
3. O oblivious one, and to dust is his fate
And death from all sides comes upon him
٣. يا غافِلاً وإلى التُرابِ مَصيرُهُ
والمَوتُ مِن كُلّ الجِهَاتِ تَرُومُهُ
4. Look at the jewel of our time beneath the soil
And abstain from the lodging of life, you will not make it permanent
٤. انظُر فَريدةَ دَهرِنا تحتَ الثَّرى
وازهِد فَنُزلُ العيشِ لَستَ تُقيمَهُ
5. This is the fate of Fatima, and her superiority
In every excellence, its arrangement does not go to waste
٥. هذا لفاطِمَةَ المآلُّ وَفضلُها
في كُلّ جِيدٍ لا يَضيعُ نَظيمُهُ
6. The house of religion, the kingdom of his glory remains
Its customs do not wither for eternity
٦. بَيتُ الديانةِ مُلكُ مَجدِهِ قائِمٌ
لا تضمحِلُّ عَلى الدَّوامِ رُسُومُه
7. And for her origin, Othman, her deeds embraced him
For her is completeness, both her new and old
٧. وَلأصلِها عُثمان ضَمَّت فِعلَها
ولها الكمالُ جَديدهُ وقديمُهُ
8. The husband of the princess, Hussein the content
A sea that if he befriends the beautiful, makes it last
٨. زَوجُ الأميرِ الباشا حُسينَ الرضي
بحراً إذا أولى الجميلَ يُديِمُهُ
9. The mother of kings, and you will not see the likes of them
Of every wisdom, and perfection is its companion
٩. أمُّ المُلوكِ ولَن تَرَى أمثالهم
من كل حزمٍ والكمالُ نديمُهُ
10. This is she whose eyes of perfection
Appear like stars adorning the full moon
١٠. هذي التي أضحت عُيونُ خِصالِها
تَبدُو كَبَدرٍ زَيَّنتهُ نُجُومُهُ
11. This is she who nurtured the orphan in her righteous care
And by her death, all people are bereaved of her
١١. هذي التي رَبَّى اليتيمَ بُرُورَها
وبموتها كُلُّ الأنامِ فَطِيمُهُ
12. This is she from whose raincloud of bounty
The miserable gained, and wretchedness left him
١٢. هذي التي من سيلِ غيثِ غمامِها
جادَ اللئيمُ وزالَ عنهُ لئيمُهُ
13. Time will perish while her remembrance flows
And time, truly, does not kill its generous ones
١٣. يَفنى الزمانُ وذكرُها مسترسِلٌ
والدهرُ حقا لا يموتُ كَريمُهُ
14. So forgive her my Lord, and honor her abode
And Your servant does not fear, for You are most merciful
١٤. فاغفر لها ربِّي وأكرِم نزلَها
والعبدُ لا يخشى وأنتَ رحيمُهُ
15. And by Your evident favor, the chronicler said
She came to rest in a bounty that does not diminish
١٥. وبفضلِكَ المشهودِ قال مؤرخٌ
نزلت فسيحاً لا يقلُّ نعيمُهُ