1. The sunset glowed, reminding me of greenery,
And fueled the fire of longing in my heart.
١. تألقَ غربيا فذكرني الخضرا
وأذكى لنارِ الشوقِ في كبدي جمرا
2. When my heart was soothed by the meadow of your knowledge,
The troops of the covenant came seeking it by force.
٢. إذا ما سلا قلبي بروضِ عُلومِكُم
أتتهُ جُنودُ العَهدِ تطلبُهُ قَسرا
3. They stir up the darkness of stagnant pools in its expanse,
Thus overpowering the heart, the secret, and the overt.
٣. تُثيرُ قتامَ النقعِ في رُحبِ صدرِهِ
فتملكُ منهُ القلبَ والسرَّ والجهرا
4. And it finds comfort in their raids from its enemy steeds,
Baring its side for them to seize it by force.
٤. ويرتاحُ للغارات من عدوِ خَيلِها
فَيُوري لها جنباً لتأخذَهُ قَهرا
5. Yearning for my intimacy and place of companionship,
And the origin of my youth in which was no lack of pride.
٥. حنيناً إلى أُنسي ومعهدِ رفقتي
ومنشا شبابي لا عدمت بهِ فَخرا
6. My country that nurtured, groomed and refined me,
Its denizens neither hungry nor naked.
٦. بلادي التي ربَّت وحنّضت وهذبَت
فنائِسُها ما إن يَجُوعُ ولا يعرى
7. The clouds rained down provision and victory
To quench the thirst of its valley and all its fortresses.
٧. سَقى حَلقَ واديها وكُلَّ حُصونِها
من السحبَ غيثٌ يُمطِرُ العِزَّ والنَّصرا
8. With my soul I ransom it and praise its love,
And sacrifice in its pleasure land and sea.
٨. بنفسي أفديها وأحمد حبَّها
وأقطعُ في مرضاتهِ البرَّ والبحرا
9. It protected and laid down its soul before obtaining it,
Though hands had harmed it before.
٩. حماها وألقى نفسهُ دون نَيلِها
وقد جالتِ الأيدي بضرَّتِها الأخرى
10. It eased attaining it and living in it,
And adorned its mirror, by Allah I know not how.
١٠. وصَعَّبَ ملقاها وسهَّلَ عيشَها
وَزَيَّنَ مرآها فللَّهِ ما أدرى
11. Thus we saw it had a love we witness,
None other, which it embraced to its chest.
١١. فأضحتوعيناها من العشقِ ما ترى
سِواهُ وقد ضمَّتهُ في جيدِها صدرا
12. So the supported standard remains victorious,
And Uthman's pride continues to cloak it.
١٢. فلا زالَ منصُورَ اللواءِ مُؤَيَّداً
وفخرُ بني عُثمانَ يٌلبِسُهُ سِترا
13. Their resolve, Abd al-Majid leads them,
And he is their exemplar in every major tribulation.
١٣. هُمامَهُمُ عبدُ المجيدِ إمامُهُ
وقُدوَتُهُ في كُلِّ مُعضِلَةٍ كُبرى
14. May he be granted lasting support, victory and bliss,
To maintain for Allah’s religion a mention of might.
١٤. يَدومُ لهُ التأييدُ والنصرُ والهنا
ليُبقي لدينِ اللَهِ من عِزِّهِ ذِكرا