1. Perhaps a strike of a polished sword
Without my sight and a clear stab
١. رُبَّما ضَربَةٍ بسيفٍ صَقِيلٍ
دُونَ بُصرَى وَطَعْنَةٍ نَجلاءِ
2. And plunges in which the hand of the blind man goes astray
And its doctor heals it with medication
٢. وغَمُوسٍ تَضِلُّ فيها يَدُ الآ
سِى ويَعيَى طبِيبُها بالدَواءِ
3. They raised the flag of beating and turned
To defend the salty Samarra
٣. رفعُوا رايةَ الضِرابِ وآلو
لَيَذُودُنّ سامِرَ المَلحاءِ
4. So the souls were patient for the stabbing until
The horses ran between us in the blood
٤. فَصَبَرْنَ النُّفُوسَ للطَّعنِ حتَّى
جرَتِ الخيلُ بينَنا في الدماءِ
5. It is not one who died and rested with a dead
Rather the dead are the living dead
٥. لَيْسَ مَنْ ماتَ فاِستراحَ بِمَيْتٍ
إنَّمَا المَيْتُ مَيِّتُ الأحياءِ
6. The dead is he who lives humiliated
Evil, worried, of little hope
٦. إنَّما المَيْتُ مَنْ يعيشُ ذليلاً
سِيّئاً بالُهُ قليلَ الرّجاءِ