
So who will dwell in the abodes of those who halted,

فمن يك أمسى في بلاد مقامةٍ

1. So who will dwell in the abodes of those who halted,
Asking ruins there that give no reply?

١. فَمَن يَكُ أَمسى في بِلادِ مُقامَةٍ
يُسائِلُ أَطلالاً بِها لا تُجاوِبُ

2. The dwellings of Banu Hittan son of Qais,
Like lines traced by a writer on parchment.

٢. فَلَاِبنَةِ حِطّانَ بنِ قَيسٍ مَنازِلٌ
كَما نَمَّقَ العُنوانَ في الرَقِّ كاتِبُ

3. The ostriches walk round them as though they were
Beautiful maidens, courted in the evening.

٣. تُمَشّي بِها حولُ النِعامِ كَأَنَّها
أَماءٌ تُزَجّى بِالعَشِيِّ خَواطِبُ

4. I stopped and wept there, feeling deep grief,
As a lovelorn man did at ruined Khaybar.

٤. وَقَفتُ بِها أَبكي وَأُشعَرُ سُنخَةً
كَما اِعتادَ مَحموماً بِخَيبَرَ صالِبُ

5. My two friends, press on from Najaa Shamila,
Over which stands a knight like a gleaming sword.

٥. خَليلَيَّ عوجا مِن نَجاءِ شِمِلَّةٍ
عَلَيها فَتًى كَالسَيفِ أَروَعُ شاحِبُ

6. My two friends, swerve away from Najaa Shamila,
A rough ground no companion can endure.

٦. خَليلايَ هَوجاءُ النَجاءِ شِمِلَّةٌ
وَذو شُطبٍ لا يَجتَويهِ المُصاحِبُ

7. Long have I lived while free spirits were my friends,
Those were my true ones I would accompany.

٧. وَقَد عِشتُ دَهراً وَالغُواةُ صَحابَتي
أَولائِكَ خُلصاني الَّذين أُصاحِبُ

8. The mate of him who grieved and donned the rope of death,
And shunned the pull of a kinsman's tie.

٨. قَرينَةَ مَن أَسفى وَقُلِّدَ حَبلَهُ
وَحاذَرَ جَرّاهُ الصَديقُ الأَقارِبُ

9. So I discharged on my own part what I borrowed from youth,
And now for wealth I have a guardian and earner.

٩. فَأَدَّيتُ عَنّي ما اِستَعَرتُ مِنَ الصِبا
وَلِلمالِ عِندي اليَومَ راعٍ وَكاسِبُ

10. For every people of Ma'add there are dwellings
To which they repair at times for refuge.

١٠. لِكُلّ أُناسٍ مِن مَعَدٍّ عِمارَة
عَروضٌ إِلَيها يَلجَئونَ وَجانِبُ

11. Al-Hirah has the two seas but the sword below it,
And should Indians come to it in flight.

١١. لُكَيزٌ لَها البَحرانِ وَالسَيفُ دونَهُ
وَإِن يَأتِهِم ناسٌ مِنَ الهِندِ هارِبُ

12. Birds take wing from the backs of a courtyard as though they were
A rushing torrent whose flow was cut off.

١٢. تَطايَرُ عَن أَعجازِ حوشٍ كَأَنَّها
جَهامٌ هَراق ماءه فَهوَ آئِبُ

13. And Bakr whose land is the expanse of Iraq will not fear
Any harm befalling it as far as al-Yamama.

١٣. وَبَكرٌ لَها بَرُّ العِراقِ ولن تَخَف
يَحُل به حتى اليَمامَةِ حاجِبُ

14. Tamim lies between ridges and sandy plains.
It has mountains, remote and far extending.

١٤. وَصارَت تَميمٌ بَينَ قُفٍّ وَرَملَةٍ
لَها مِن جِبالٍ مُنتَأى وَمَذاهِبُ

15. And Kalb whose war-trained men's succor is the sandy plain of `Alij
Against the noble fighters where war is waged.

١٥. وَكَلبٌ لَها خَبتٌ فَرَملَةُ عالِجٍ
إِلى الحَرَّةِ الرَجلاءِ حَيثُ تُحارِبُ

16. And Ghassan, alive is their glory among their neighbors,
Husayn and armies fight on their behalf.

١٦. وَغَسّانُ حَيُّ عِزُّهُم في سِواهُمُ
تُجالِدُ عَنهُم حُسَّرٌ وَكَتائِبُ

17. And the Bahraa, alive we knew well their abode,
Partners they have round al-Rusafah, ever binding treaties.

١٧. وَبَهراءُ حَيُّ قَد عَلِمنا مَكانَهُم
لَهُم شَركٌ حَولَ الرَصافةِ لاحِبُ

18. Iyad swooped down into the black lands, and below them
Are the armies of `Ujman seeking those they would fight.

١٨. وَغارَت إِياد في السَوادِ وَدونَها
بَرازيقُ عُجمٍ تَبتَغي مَن تُضارِبُ

19. While we are a people without Hijaz in our land.
When clouds gather, we are not encountered, and who will conquer?

١٩. وَنَحنُ أُناسٌ لا حِجازَ بِأَرضِنا
مَعَ الغَيثِ ما نُلفى وَمَن هُوَ غالِبُ

20. You can see the raiding parties around our houses
Like the she-goats of Hijaz, their udders gone dry.

٢٠. تَرى رائِداتِ الخَيلِ حَولَ بُيوتِنا
كَمِعزى الحِجازِ أَعوَزَتها الزَرائِبُ

21. They go about the water-holes bleating like them
And end up being plundered, easy prey.

٢١. فَيُغبَفنَ أَحلاباً وَيُصبَحنَ مِثلَها
فَهُنَّ مِنَ التَعداءِ قُبٌّ شَوازِبُ

22. Their horsemen are from Taghlib, the daughter of Wail,
Young, vigorous men among whom are no greying old ones.

٢٢. فَوارِسُها مِن تَغلِبَ اِبنَةِ وائِلٍ
حُماةٌ كُماةٌ لَيسَ فيهِم أَشايِبُ

23. They strike the ram whose sperm glistens
White on his face from the spurt of blood.

٢٣. هُم يَضرِبونَ الكَبشَ يَبرُقُ بَيضُهُ
عَلى وَجهِهِ مِنَ الدِماءِ سَبائِبُ

24. And if our swords prove short, their slashing
Traces toward our foes patterns for us to follow.

٢٤. وَإِن قَصُرَت أَسيافُنا كانَ وَصلُها
خَطانا إِلى أَعدائِنا فَنُضارِبُ

25. By God, what people like my people, a band
When assembled before kings are high and haughty!

٢٥. فَلِلَّهِ قَومٌ مِثلُ قَومي عِصابَة
إِذا اِجتَمَعَت عِندَ المُلوكِ العَصائِبُ

26. I see that every nation that approached their might
And we have slipped our bonds so remain unbridled.

٢٦. أَرى كُلَّ قَومٍ قارَبوا قَيدَ فَحلِهِم
وَنَحنُ خَلَعنا قَيدَهُ فَهوَ سارِبُ