1. And from it my fingers gushed forth blessed
With pure, sweet water from his hands Euphrates
١. وتفجرت منه الأنامل بوركت
بزلال عَذبٍ من يديهِ فراتِ
2. The clouds poured down mercy for him
And people in refuge and in lush gardens
٢. سح الغمامُ له بسقيا رَحمةٍ
والخَلقُ في محل وفي غسناتِ
3. And the trunk bent, yearning for his absence
And the mountains shook after long steadfastness
٣. والجذع حنَّ تَلَهفاً لفراقِهِ
والطودُ زُلزِلَ بعد طولِ ثَباتٍ