
Though the poem be rough, as if rushed through

ما للقريض وإن يكن غض الجنا

1. Though the poem be rough, as if rushed through,
It won't achieve what's intended of a ode.

١. ما للقريض وإن يكن غضّ الجنا
لم يبلغ المقصود منه قصيده

2. That's only because I've burdened it
With more than it's able to bear of its load.

٢. ما ذاك إلا أنني حمّلته
ما لم يقم بأقلّه مجهوده

3. Had the ancients tasked a poem
To properly describe you, and do it with flair,

٣. هذا ولو أنّ الأوائل كلّفوا
شعراً يوفي وصفكم فيجيده

4. It would cast off its beloved weapon and child,
And direct its rhythm elsewhere, fully beguiled.

٤. ألقى السلاح حبيبه ووليده
وثنى العنان لبيده وعبيده