
From every fading breast that yearns for love

من كل نهد ضامر عبل الشوى

1. From every fading breast that yearns for love
Towards the foe it sends its sighs thereof

١. من كلِّ نهدٍ ضامر عبل الشوى
منه إلى نحوِ العدوِّ نهودُ

2. From one whose hue is like a fading spark
A stalwart youth darts arrows at each mark

٢. من أشهبٍ مثلٍِ الشهابِ بنارِه
يرمي رجيمٌ من عداكَ مريدُ

3. As though the morn had clothed him with her light
His shirt with rays of glory is bedight

٣. وكأنه التحف الصباح ملاءةً
فقميصُهُ من نورهِ مقدودُ

4. Or dark as night when wines to sparkle brought
Amid the sons of Ham he would be sought

٤. أو أدهم حامي الذِّمار فكأنَّما
هو في بني حامٍ إذاً معدُودُ

5. Or fair though languid as a dim starved fawn
Gazelles would envy him that delicate form

٥. أو أصفر سامي الثليل كأنَّما
جيدُ الغزالةِ منه ذاك الجيدُ

6. Pure crystal seems his skin, chrysolite his toe
His blushing cheeks would make carnelians glow

٦. التبرُ لون والزبرجدُ حافرٌ
لونُ الخدودِ يَزِينُها التوريدُ

7. Or blond as lightning in his face and pace
Well sought the youth whom fortune deigns to grace

٧. أو أشقرٍ كالبرقِ في لونٍ وفي
سَبقٍ فنعمَ المطلَبُ المنشودُ