1. The sultan of beauty reigns over realms, triumphant,
The swords unsheathed and the houris' eyes grew tender.
١. سلطانُ حسنٍ على الأملاكِ منصور
سلَّ السيوفَ وهنَّ الأعينُ الحور
2. So my heart pledged allegiance willingly, though it was not
In that moment ordered or forbidden.
٢. فبايعَ القلبَ عن طوعٍ وما هو في
تِلكَ الإبانة منهى ومأمور
3. And from him was bestowed upon my soul his favor,
A spirit with which the soul is loving and enraptured.
٣. وهبَّ منه على نفسي فنعَّمها
روحٌ به الروح محبوّ ومحبور
4. What of a heart awe-struck with reverence for him
Arabs and non-Arabs alike, all frightened of him?
٤. ما للفؤاد الذي رَاعَت مَهَابته
عُرباً وعُجماً فكلُّ منه مذعور
5. Did the bright full moon shape her face,
Or the supple myrtle branch shape her perfect stature?
٥. أوَجهُهَا القمرُ الوضَّاحُ
أم قِدُّهَا الغصنُ الميادُ ممطور
6. O you two moons, hide yourselves, for she has
A moon, which when it appears, extinguishes both your lights.
٦. يا أيها القمران استخفيا فلها
قَمرٌ إذا لاح يمحي منكما النور
7. I swear by all my eyes have seen, they spied no peer for her
In truth, not just my eyes bedazzled and bemused.
٧. أقسمتُ ما أبصَرَت عيني لها شَبَهاً
حقيقةً لا أقولُ الطرفُ مسحور
8. I shepherd the stars - and she alone is my attachment to them -
Things are shepherded to what they are joined and connected with.
٨. أرعى النجومَ وما بِي غَيرُ نِسبَتِهَا
والشيءُ بالشيءِ مَرعِيٌ ومذكور