1. She was engaged as the nights' circumstances changed
The mountains' foundations shook because of it
١. خطبٌ كما شاءت صروفُ الليال
تَرتجُ منه راسيات الجبال
2. It spread and specified, so all of humankind
Were strained by it, and the tolerance was hard
٢. عمَّت وخصَّت فجميعُ الورَى
ضاقَ بِهِم ذرع وعزّ احتمال
3. Our minds flew to it, startled,
So each heart was hostage to confusion
٣. طارت لها ألبابُنا روعة
فكلُّ قلبٍ فهو رَهنُ الخَبال
4. And our horizons darkened, desolated,
By an incident that has no parallel
٤. وأظلمت آفاقُنا وحشةً
لحادثٍ ليسَ لَه مِن مِثَال
5. What was the use since your loss happened
The determinations of men cannot foretell it
٥. ما للرَّدى لا كان من فاتك
تنبو لديه عزماتُ الرجال
6. So which house didn't its flock disturb
And its heavy steps didn't tread on
٦. فأي دار لم يَرُع سِربُهَا
ولم يَدُسهَا بِخُطاها الثقال
7. Let Andalusia cry for him, for he
Shaded it with his lasting, just rule
٧. فلتبكه أندلس إنه
أوسعها العدل المديد الظلال
8. And let the free horses that he prepared
As provision for the battle day cry for him
٨. ولتبكه الخيل العتاق التي
أعدِّها ذخراً ليومِ النِزال
9. And let the delegation that hoped in him cry for him
And let the whites and browns of commoners cry for him
٩. وليبكه الوفد يرجونه
ولتبكه البيض وسمر العوال
10. And it's enough what an evident glorious honor
His remembered fame has spread widely
١٠. وحسبه من شرف باهر
مُخلّد الذكر فسيح المجال
11. That the vehemently protected King left offspring
And immortalized remote unobtainable might
١١. أن أعقب الملك المنيع الحمى
وخلّد العزّ البعيد المنال
12. May God make it an date palm tree that sprouted
A generous branch whose origin prospered and lengthened
١٢. لله منه دوحة أنبتت
فرعاً كريماً طاب أصلاً وطال
13. And like Ishmael the guide revival
With truthful determination and good fighting
١٣. ومن كإسماعيل محي الهدى
بصادق العزم وحسن القتال
14. O my Master whom excellence
Made me speak prose and poetry
١٤. يا أيها المولى الذي فَضلُهُ
أنطَقَنِي رويّة وارتجال
15. If I was afflicted with the affliction
That overflowed with tears that won't stop flowing
١٥. لئن أصبت بالمصاب الذي
فاض به للدمع وكف انهمال
16. You remained safe for all people
In the might of an uninterrupted kingdom
١٦. فقد بقيتَ سالماً للوَرى
في عزّ مُلكٍ واتصالِ اقتِبَال
17. And You are the best of creation hoped for
And praise be to God in any case
١٧. وأنت نعم الخلق المرتجى
والحمد لله على كلّ حال