1. These are the wonders of wisdom I have penned
By the grace of the Master, my patron Al Hajjaj
١. هذي بدائعُ حِكمَةٍ سَطَّرتُهَا
بإشارةِ المولى أبي الحجاج
2. With his justice the people prospered and thrived
With his grace, his knowledge, his glorious existence
٢. وسِعَ الأنامَ بعدلِهِ وبِفَضلِهِ
وبعِلمِهِ وبوجُودِهِ التَّجَّاح
3. From the house of Nasr, the elite of the pleased King
They are the refuge of the frightened, rain for the hopeful
٣. من آلِ نَصرٍ نخبة الملك الرضا
أمنُ المَرُوعِ هُمُ وغيثُ الراجي
4. From the house of Qaila, my supporters, the best of creations
While people waver between weakness and stubbornness
٤. من آلِ قيلةَ ناصرِي خيرِ الوَرَى
والخلقُ بينَ تَخَاذُلٍ ولجَاجٍ
5. What more can I say, for all words fall short
In describing this sea, its waves overflowing
٥. مَاذا أقول وكل قول قاصر
في وصف بحر زاخر الأمواج
6. From it comes brilliant pearls for the cultured
And terrible horrors for the enemies of the faith
٦. منه لباغي العُرفِ درّ فاخر
ولمن يعادي الدين هولٌ فاج
7. May your glory continue growing, in ascent
With legions upon legions coming to you
٧. دامت سعودك في مزيد والمُنى
تلقاك أفواجاً على أفواج