1. She, whose pasturing nourishes all folk,
And decrees man's final days, his providence and fate,
١. وما أنثى بها رَعيُ الرعايا
وإمضاءُ المنايا والقضايا
2. Her sons seek her for suckling when they come
To resolve affairs and determine each man's state,
٢. وتقصدها بنوها من رضاع
إذا انبعثوا لإبرامِ القضايَا
3. Her name - omit the dots and, God forbid,
You invoke the banes of ill destiny!
٣. لها اسمٌ إن أزلت النُّقطَ منه
فعذ بالله من شرِّ البلايا
4. Change the last letter into a hamza,
And you have cured the cause of all adversity.
٤. وإن أبدلتَ آخره بهمزٍ
فقد أبرأتَ نازلَةَ الشكايا
5. But change the first letter into a noon,
And you have found a source of steeds and cavalry.
٥. وإن بَدّلتَ أوّله بنونٍ
أتيت ببعض أرزاقِ المطايا
6. So unveil the meaning hidden in our verse
With insight focused on its core, displaying the obscure!
٦. فأوضح ما رمزناه بفكرٍ
سديد القصدِ مُبدٍ للخفايا