
You alone are the unifier, gathering them

لا فخر إلا أنت جامع شمله

1. You alone are the unifier, gathering them
From you come the acquired and the newborn

١. لا فخر إلا أنتَ جامِعُ شَملِهِ
مِنهُ لَكَ المكسُوبُ والمولودُ

2. So if you trace your lineage, you count the flags of glory
Where valor, piety and generosity reside

٢. فإذا أنتسبت عددت أعلام العُلَى
حيثُ البَسَالةُ والتُّقَى والجُودُ

3. As for the ancients, it is Khuza'a, the pride of all pride
Theirs are noble deeds and ancestry

٣. أما القديمُ فخزرَجُ الفَخرِ الألى
لهمُ طريفُ مكارمٍ وتليدُ

4. Before prophethood they were always chiefs
Masters of glory while people were slaves

٤. قبلَ النبوة لم يزالوا سادة
أملاَكُ عِزٍّ والأنامُ عبيدُ

5. Until the Messenger Muhammad was sent
And the pillar of the truth dawned from him

٥. حتى إذا بُعِثَ الرسولُ مُحَمَّدٌ
وبدا لِصُبحِ الحقِّ مِنهُ عَمُودُ

6. And the misguided heads of error returned
Envying and blaming, so the near is far

٦. ودعا فعادته رؤوسُ ضلالةٍ
حَسَداً ونَعياً فالقريبُ بعيدُ

7. The sons of the abode of mercy prospered by him
They raced to it and the fortunate is happy

٧. سَعِدَت به أبناءُ قيلةَ رحمةً
سَبَقُوا إليها والسعيدُ سعيدُ

8. They sacrificed their souls and their lives for him
Their banners for supporting him tied

٨. وسخوا له بنفيسهِم وَنُفُوسِهِم
فلواؤهم في نَصرِهِ مَعقُودُ

9. Their wealth spent and their swords
Drawn and their stance witnessed

٩. أموالُهُم مبذولةٌ وسيوفُهُم
مسلُولَةٌ ومقامُهُم مشهُودُ

10. The days of Badr, Nadir and Khaibar
With good lasting deeds are witnesses

١٠. أيامُ بدر والنضيرُ وخيبر
بالصالحاتِ الباقياتِ شهودُ

11. And at Hunayn is a scene for them in which
Pride, mention, beginning and returner

١١. ولدى حُنَينٍ مَشهَدٌ لَهُمُ به
فخرٌ وذكرٌ مبدىء ومُعِيدُ

12. They charged when defeat had passed like cavalry charges
And the armies of the polytheists became ruined

١٢. كرّوا وقد مَضَتِ الهَزِيمَةُ كرّةً
فإذا جيوشُ المشركينَ حَصِيدُ

13. Monks of shrines when darkness falls
While they are black when daylight appears

١٣. رُهبان مِحرابٍ إذا جَنَّ الظلا
مُ وَهُم إذا لاحَ النهارُ أسُودُ

14. O community of Helpers you are to guidance
A pillar through the passage of time, firm

١٤. يا معشرَ الأنصارِ أنتُم لِلهُدَى
رُكنٌ على مَرِّ الزَّمانِ شَدِيدُ

15. You have resolves unlike any other
Nearly making the mountains sink from them

١٥. لكم عزائمُ لا عزائمَ مِثلُها
كادت لها شُم الجبالِ تَمِيدُ