
The echo of your generous steed is praiseworthy to God

لله در جوادك الأصدى

1. The echo of your generous steed is praiseworthy to God
To be guided and to guide rightly by the truth

١. لله درُّ جوادِكَ الأصدَى
بالحقِ أن يُهدَى ويُستَهدَى

2. Whatever creature you wished and whoever you created
Exceeding bounds in nobility and precedence

٢. ما شئتَ من خلق ومن خلق
عُنقاً وسَبقاً جاوزَ الحدَا

3. Prancing from an excess of joy, yet he does not
Make it frivolity, whether frolicsome or staid

٣. يَختالً من فرطِ المراحِ فَمَا
أحلاهُ هَزلاً شِيبَ أو جدا

4. Between his blondness and redness is a hue
Whose light glitters and kindles

٤. ما بينَ شُقرَتِهِ وحُمرَتِهِ
لونٌ تَلأَلأ نورُهُ وقدا

5. With blazing glances you'd think were filled
With rancor against his enemies

٥. متوقد اللحظاتِ تحسِبُها
مُلِئَت على أعدائِهِ حقدا

6. He charges the enemies like lightning
And for those you love a fortunate star

٦. يسري على الأعداءِ صاعقةٌ
ولمن يُحبك كوكباً سعدا

7. With a forelock that flows and you'd reckon it
The morning's thread stretched across his face

٧. ذو غرة سالت فتحسبها
خَيطَ الصَّبَاحِ بوجهه امتدا

8. And hooves like emerald even if
They were solid rock in hue

٨. وحوافرٌ مِثلُ الزمرَّدِ في
لونٍ وإن كانت صفاً صلدا

9. Racing the steeds of both battle lines yet none
Knew a chest or rosebed faster

٩. جارى جياد العُدوَتَينِ فما
عرفت له صَدراً ولا وِرداً