
You veiled yourself, though the light of truth shone bright and clear,

حجبت ونور الحق أبلج واضح

1. You veiled yourself, though the light of truth shone bright and clear,
So neither is my heart relieved, nor my efforts prospering here.

١. حجبت ونور الحق أبلجُ واضحُ
فلا الصدرُ مشروحٌ ولا السعي ناجحُ

2. Your sword in the war against ignorance stays sharp and bare,
While your glance at the state of idleness remains fierce and severe.

٢. حُسامُكَ في حَربِ الجهالةِ صارِمٌ
وطرفُكَ في شأوِ البَطَالَةِ جامحُ

3. You disappeared, so no face looks away from error and vice,
And you went missing, so no heart now inclines toward what is right.

٣. حرمت فلا وَجهُ عَن الغي صادفُ
وغبتَ فلا القلبُ إلى الرُّشدِ جانحُ

4. Beware, beware, for the grave surely has a grip,
When the planks are nailed over you inside it, watertight.

٤. حِذارِ حذارِ إنَّ لِلقَبرِ ضَمَّةً
إذَا نضدت فيه عليك الصفائحُ

5. Your account is recorded, so forget not the day,
When all your senses will testify to the truth on display.

٥. حسابُكَ مسطورٌ فلا تنسَ يَومَهُ
وقد شَهِدَتبالحقِّ فيهِ الجوارحُ