1. No welcome to the defiant one who parted
Having ignored your exalted worth
١. لاَ مَرحَباً بالناشِزِ الفارِك
إذ جَهِلَت رِفعَةَ مِقدارِك
2. Had she been granted wisdom
She would have yearned for your fire
٢. لو أنَّها قد أوتِيَت رُشدَهَا
ما بَرِحَت تَعشُو إلى نَارِك
3. I swear by the evident Light
From which shone the lantern of your lights
٣. أقسَمتُ بالنُّور المُبِينِ الذي
مِنهُ بَدَت مِشكاةُ أنوارِك
4. And the appearance of the Wise Judge
Upon whom follows your good tidings
٤. ومَظهر الحُكمِ الحَكيمِ الذي
يَتلُو عليهِ طِيبَ أخبارِك
5. You have not found a match nor
Reached one more generous than your home
٥. ما ألِفَت مِثلُكَ كُفؤاً ولا
أوَت إلى أكرَمَ من دَارِك