1. Who are you, my Master of the world, for whom
Blessed is he, his fortune has aided his prosperity,
١. من أنت يا مولي الورى مقصودُهُ
طوبَى له قد ساعدته سعودُهُ
2. So let a sincere heart bear witness for him,
And its witnesses established upon it are its witnesses.
٢. فليشهدنك له فؤادٌ صادقٌ
وشهودُهُ قَامَت عليهِ شهودُهُ
3. And let him be annihilated from himself and his attributes
Flying freely, and in that annihilation is his existence.
٣. وليفنين عن نفسه ورسومه
طُرّاً وفي ذاك الفناءِ وجودُهُ
4. And protect him with a lightning bolt that takes him
To the most noble ascent, then returns him,
٤. وليحفظنه بارقٌ يرقى بِهِ
في أشرفِ المعراجِ ثم يعيدُهُ
5. Until he remains not knowing in perplexity
Whether your bringing him close or sending him far.
٥. حتى يظلَّ وليس يدري دهشةً
تقريبُهُ المقصودُ أَم تبعيدُهُ
6. But he has cast down his weapon surrendered,
So his desire is whatever you want of him.
٦. لكنّه ألقى السلاحَ مسلِّماً
فمراده ما أنت منهُ تريدُهُ
7. For to him your honoring him
And abasing him, benefiting him and destroying him are equal.
٧. فلقد تساوى عنده إكرامُهُ
وهَوَانُهُ ومفيدُهُ ومُبيدُهُ