
When you saw Rome exerting her utmost might,

لما رأيت الروم تبذل جهدها

1. When you saw Rome exerting her utmost might,
And religion being fiercely assailed by her,

١. لما رأيتَ الرومَ تَبذُل جَهدَهَا
والدينُ مِنهَا جَاهِدٌ مجهودُ

2. You resolved firmly for God and His faith,
To set it upright and raise it aloft;

٢. أمضَيتَ في ذاتِ الإلهِ ودينِهِ
عَزماً له التصويبُ والتصعِيد

3. And you raided Lorca, the fortress of unbelief,
Whose obdurate thoughts had always defied;

٣. وغزوت لُورقَةَ معقلَ الكفر الذي
قد عانَدَ الأفكارَ مِنهُ عَنِيدُ

4. With warriors who never failed to sap
The might of Islam, and mar it when waxing;

٤. من فاتكٍ في كلِّ حِينٍ لَم يَزَل
يُوهي قُوَى الإسلام مِنهُ جَلِيدُ

5. So you left it a waste, a hollow, like dwellings
Abandoned by Thamud when lightning smote them.

٥. فتركتَهُ قاعاً يَباباً مثلمَا
تركت مساكِنَها العِظامَ ثَمُودُ

6. And now you are spurring your steed to battle
With a host whose goal is fixed and resources sure;

٦. والآن أعمَلتَ الرِّكابَ لِعَزمَةٍ
مِن شانِها الإدراكُ والتسدِيدُ

7. You have marshalled an army bound for Rome,
With squadrons of victors and troops in multitudes.

٧. جَهَّزتَ نحوَ الرومِ جُنداً غالباً
وله مِنَ النَّصرِ العزيزِ جُنودُ