
O our companions, O companion of the cultured,

أأصحاب نا يا صاحب الأدباء

1. O our companions, O companion of the cultured,
And O elite of writers and poets,

١. أأصحابَ نا يا صاحِبَ الأدباءِ
ويا نخبة الكُتّابِ والشُّعراءِ

2. I would have given you the introduction and connection of discourse,
But Wasel ibn Ataa is at a loss before you.

٢. لأعطيتُكُم فَصلَ الخطابِ وَوَصلَهُ
فيعجزُ عنكُم واصلُ بن عَطاءِ