
You came to the mosque in humble devotion

جئت المصلى في سكينة خاشع

1. You came to the mosque in humble devotion
Your motto is glorification and praise

١. جئتَ المُصَلَّى في سكينَةِ خاشعٍ
وشعارُك التكبيرُ والتحميدُ

2. You wore the garb of humility
In its folds, exaltation and veneration

٢. وقد ارتدَيتَ من التواضُعِ مَلبَساً
في طَيِّهِ الترفيعُ والتَّمجِيدُ

3. You established a tradition there which, were it not for you
Would not have stood, nor would there have been worship for people

٣. فأقمتَ فيه سُنَّةً لولاكَ ما
قامَت ولم يَكُ للورى تَعبِيدُ

4. You poured down rainclouds of charity therein
With them the destitute and generous were watered

٤. وأفضتَ بالصدقاتِ فيه سحائبا
رُوِيَت بِهُنَّ تهائمٌ ونجودُ

5. Then you returned surrounded by an army
Accompanied, by the troops of God's victory, its soldiers

٥. ثم انثَنَيتَ وحولَكَ الجندُ الذي
صَحِبَتهُ مِن نَصرِ الإلهِ جنودُ

6. Among them, protectors of the faith, helpers of guidance
And those who proclaim the truth no matter how they were warned

٦. فيه حماةً الدين أنصارُ الهُدَى
والمصرِخُونَ الحقَّ مهما نودوا

7. Among them, the steadfast in war through their jihad
For the nation, preparation and consolidation

٧. فيه بنو الحرب الألى بجهادِهِم
للملّة التمهيدُ والتوطيدُ

8. They destroyed polytheism with the resolve
With which monotheism was supported

٨. هم دَمَّرُوا التثليثَ بالعزمِ الذي
بمضائِهِ قد أُيِّد التوحيدُ

9. Your spear-throwers, the finest raiding supplies
For them, accuracy and guidance

٩. فيه رُمَاتُكَ عُدةُ الغَزو الأُلى
لَهُمُ الإصابةُ فيه والتسدِيدُ

10. Their seasoned bows, Arabian, would
Silence whenever they shot, none evaded their nobility

١٠. فقسيُّهم عربية مهما رَمَت
أصمت فما عن نبلهنَّ محيدُ

11. And Turkish turbans, behind which
Hung hair adorned with braiding

١١. وعمائم تركية من خَلفِهَا
سَدَلُوا شعوراً زانُها تَجعِيدُ

12. As if the swords gleamed with lightning
And the neighing of the horses was thunder

١٢. وكأنَّما لمع السيوف بوارق
وكأن تِصهَالَ الخيولِ رعودُ

13. From every slumped breast, melted by passion
From it to the enemy's throat, stabbing

١٣. من كُلِّ نَهدٍ ضامر عَبلِ الشوى
منه إلى نحرِ العدوِّ نهودُ

14. From a fiery gray, like a comet with its fire
It strikes whoever opposes you, an outcast

١٤. من أشهبِ مثل الشهابِ بنارهِ
يرمي رجيمٌ من عداكَ مريد

15. As if the morning were adorned with a mantle
So its shirt was extended from its light

١٥. وكأنه التَحَفَ الصباحَ ملاءةً
فقميصُهُ من نورِهِ مقدودُ

16. Or a protector of the tribe, as if it were
Among the tribe of Ham, thus counted

١٦. أو أدهمٍ حامي الذِّمارِ فكأنَّما
هو في بَنِي حامٍ إذاً معدُودُ

17. Or a tall yellow horse, as if
The beautiful neck of a gazelle were that beautiful one

١٧. أو أصفر سامي الثليل كأنما
جِيدُ الغزالةِ منه ذاك الجيدُ

18. Agate is its color, and emerald its hoof
Its gaze like a mirror, it being iron

١٨. التبرُ لونٌ والزبرجَدُ حافرٌ
والطرفُ كالمرآةِ وهو حديدُ

19. Or a red one, beautiful of eye, so its color
Adorns the cheeks, rouged by blushing

١٩. أو أحمرٍ راقَ العيونَ فلونُهُ
لونُ الخدودِ يَزِينُها التوريدُ

20. Or a blond one, like lightning in color and in
Pacing, so excellent the sought-after goal

٢٠. أو أشقرٍ كالبرقِ في لونٍ وفي
سَبقٍ فنعمَ المطلَبُ المنشودُ

21. As for the docked tail, do not ask about its stump
What was missed on the day of clipping, wandering

٢١. أما الكميت فلا تسل عن عتقهِ
ما فاته يوم الجلاد شرودُ