1. A ministry built on his approval
Its qualities were generous, and the lineage was good
١. ووزارةٌ بُنِيَت على رِضوانِهِ
كَرُمَت شَمائِلُهَا وطابَ العُنصُرُ
2. With kindness that hoped to achieve
And politics that secured what was feared
٢. وسماحةٌ قد بُلِّغَت ما يرتجي
وسياسةٌ قد أمَّنَت ما يحذرُ
3. A presidency whose foundations of rule were raised
Its banners above the stars a spectacle
٣. ورئاسةٌ رُفِعَت قواعد حُكمِهَا
وعَلاَلَهَا فَوقَ الكواكب مظهرُ
4. It stood with astute rigor and skill
Through it the complex issues are explained
٤. قامت بحذق صارم وبراعة
و بها القضايا المشكلات تفسرُ